Egüés or Egüés Valley (Spanish, Valle de Egüés) is a municipality of Navarre, Spain, in the metropolitan area of Pamplona. Its population is 5379.
The valley comprises several settlements, some of them are actually suburbs of Pamplona and other completely rural villages. Somo of them are seat of concejo, a submunicipal administrative division that exists in several regions of Spain (Alzuza, Ardanaz, Azpa, Badostáin, Egüés, Elcano, Elía, Ibiricu, Olaz and Sagaseta), but other are just settlements without any administrative entity (Echálaz, Egulbati, Eransus, Gorráiz, Ustárroz and Sarriguren).
Gorraiz, Olaz, Alzuza, Egüés and partly also Badostain have grown as residential suburbs of single-family houses. Sarriguren is being developing as a residential suburb of apartment housing. There are also several industrial parks. Sarriguren is leading in Navarre the increasingly important sector of renewable energy technologies; it is seat of the National Center for Renewable Energies (CENER)[1] and of Acciona Energía. The Museo Oteiza is in Alzuza.
Movistar Team, the direct descendent of Miguel Indurain's Banesto team, is based in Egüés.[2]