Edward Morrissey

Edward Morrissey is the second ex-husband of Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey. He pled guilty to money laundering and using funds from his wife's New Thought church, Living Enrichment Center, for personal expenses. Edward Morrissey was sentenced to federal prison for his crimes. He was released on February 2, 2007.[1]

In a 2004 e-mail to Willamette Week, Steve Unger, Mary Manin Morrissey's attorney, wrote that Mary Manin Morrissey and Edward Morrissey had committed commingling, and that "the finances of [the] LEC, New Thought Broadcasting, Mary Morrissey and Ed Morrissey were treated not separately, but as a kind of 'financial family.'"[2] In 2005, Edward Morrissey, a CPA and the former CFO of Living Enrichment Center, pled guilty to money laundering and using church funds for the personal expenses of himself and his wife.[3] After a year in prison at Terminal Island, in August, 2006, Edward Morrissey was transferred to a Portland, Oregon halfway house. Edward Morrissey was released from the Portland halfway house on February 2, 2007.[1] Both Mary Manin Morrissey and Edward Morrissey have injunctions against them, prohibiting them from heading or being agents in non-profit organizations. Both are also prohibited from selling securities.[4]


Marriage to Mary Manin

Mary Manin Boggs Morrissey Dickey was the founder (along with her then-husband Haven Boggs) and senior minister of Living Enrichment Center, a New Thought "mega-church" in Wilsonville, Oregon with a congregation estimated at 2,000 to 5,000 members. Edward Morrissey married Mary Manin Boggs (thereafter known as Mary Manin Morrissey) in the mid-1990s, and shortly after the marriage Edward Morrissey became the CFO of the church. In the October 16, 2006, Oregonian article "Forgiveness, for minister, starts with self", staff writer S. Renee Mitchell indicated that Mary Morrissey and Ed Morrissey have divorced. Mitchell wrote, "When the smoke cleared, Morrissey — who had once cozied up to the Dalai Lama and other world spiritual leaders — was divorced, houseless and in debt for more than $10 million."[5]


See also

External links

Corporate Securities findings regarding Morrissey investigation

Willamette Week articles about Living Enrichment Center