Volleyball variations

As volleyball is one of the world's most popular team sports, second only to football(soccer) in the number of players, there are numerous variations of the basic rules. The rules have changed around the world since its creation in 1895, as skills have developed, to make the game more suited for spectators, for learning or other special needs. Some variations have been included as a change in the international rules by Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB), others have resulted in variations with specific names.

The more notable variations include:


Beach volleyball

A variation of the game rivaling the original sport of volleyball in popularity, beach volleyball evolved from the recreational games of volleyball played on many beaches around the world. It became an official Olympic sport in 1996. This version, rather than being played on indoor hard courts, is played on sand courts which may either be formed naturally or built specifically for the purpose. Instead of a team of six, each team consists of only two players, but otherwise the rules are almost identical with some exceptions including:

Shooting Volleyball

This is the most famous volleyball in Asia especially in Pakistan. It is now gaining popularity in Arab countries, Italy, Canada, and many other countries in Pakistani and Indian communities.

In Pakistan people play Olympic Volleyball also but people don't like to watch that volleyball . Shooting volleyball is much more popular.

In shooting volleyball the team consist of 9 players. Four players play at the back side, four players play center of the court, and one player stands under net for both side teams. Any ball that goes to net is bounced into the air by the player at the net and any one player sends it to the four back players of other team. Some players also smash the ball with high vertical leaps like olympic volleyball but there is no setter in team. In this game players hit the ball with both hands by punching it with both hands. They try to hit as fast as they can in order to force a mistake from opponent players and try to get rebound as a setted ball for any player to smash it with jump using one hand. When one player smashes the ball with great skill the spectators give prize money to that player and the game has to stop at that time. Shooting volleyball court is 35 ft and 70 ft in length. Net height was 8 ft before some years but nowadays the net height is 7.2 ft to 7.5 ft (2.20m) The ball size is same to Handball. The most famous players of shooting ball in Pakistan are from Punjab (the District Mianwali). Shooting Volly ball also popular in India, Specially North Indian States, Haryana, UP, Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, MP & Maharastra.. This controlled by Shooting vollyball Federation of India. This is popular in Villages...

Indoor sand volleyball

This is a newer variation of beach volleyball. As beach volleyball took volleyball outdoors, indoor sand volleyball takes beach volleyball indoors. In the United States, a growing number of colleges are now considering switching from hard court indoor volleyball to sand court indoor volleyball. The biggest reason for the possible change is the reduced rate of injury of players. Secondary reasons are: 1) bad weather doesn't cancel play, something that commonly happens with beach volleyball; 2) it is thought to make the game more appealing to spectators since sand courts do not require players to wear knee pads or shoes.

Indoor sand volleyball teams vary from two to six members, college teams having six. Normally, rather than using a purpose-built hall, an indoor basketball court is converted. A protective tarpaulin covers the floor of the basketball court and "soft" sand is laid a foot deep over it. The boundaries are commonly marked off with lines in the sand. However, a recent innovation uses colored lasers that illuminate the lines in the sand.

In some venues, there exist sand courts that are used as usual during the spring, summer, and fall months, but during the winter months, a large tent (usually dome-shaped) is erected over the courts.

Footbag net

Footbag net is similar to sepak takraw and footvolley. It's played with feet instead of hands. Footbag net combines elements of tennis, badminton, and volleyball. Specifically, the court dimensions and layout are similar to those of badminton; the scoring is similar to the old scoring system in volleyball (you must be serving to score); and serves must be diagonal, as in tennis. It is played one on one or in teams of two. Footbag net games can be played to eleven or fifteen points, although the winners must win by at least two points.

Newcomb ball

A simplified form used to teach the fundamentals of volleyball, Newcomb [1] (occasionally referred to as "Nuke 'em") is generally taught to school-aged children but is also popular among adults of limited athletic ability. Its main differences from regular volleyball are that the ball can be caught before passing on to a team-mate or over the net, and each pass or serve is a throw rather than a hit. While most other volleyball rules apply, variations on the numbers of players per team and the numbers of 'catches' per side are common, and players holding the ball are sometimes allowed a limited number of steps.

Newcomb (or Newcomb Ball) was invented in 1895 by Clara Gregory Baer, a physical education instructor at Newcomb College in Louisiana.[2]

Volleyball was independently invented in the same year. Newcomb was a popular competitive sport in the early 1900s, but it is now seen as a variation of volleyball and is played mostly by school children.

Newcomb can be also played in a way similar to dodgeball. The main and only difference in the less played version is that instead of scoring points, a teammate is eliminated if he or she makes a mistake. The game continues until all of the players on one team are eliminated.

Sepak Takraw

Sepak Takraw is a variant of volleyball popular in Asia, similar to footvolley. The rules are very similar to those in volleyball, with the following four important exceptions: The use of hands is not permitted, each player may only touch the ball once before it is kicked back over the net, there is no rotation in the defence position and players use their feet to get the ball over the net. The game is played on a badminton doubles court. Another similar game played with the feet and originating in Thailand is Buka ball.


Footvolley is an entirely new sport which combines beach volleyball and soccer skills where the difference is that the players may not contact the ball with their hands or arms; instead they can use all other body parts including their feet, head and chest, etc. Sport originated in Brazil; but is quickly becoming popular in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Sitting volleyball

Sitting volleyball for locomotor-disabled individuals was first introduced in 1956 by the Dutch Sports Committee. International competition began in 1967, but it would be 1978 before the International Sports Organisation for the Disabled (ISOD) sanctioned the sport and sponsored an official international tournament in 1979 at Haarlem, Netherlands.

The game is played on a smaller 10 x 6 meter court and with a 0.8 meter-wide net set to a height of 1.15 meters for men and 1.05 meters for women. When hitting or attacking the ball, the player must have one "buttock" or an extension of the torso still in contact with the floor. Traditionally the sport has been played not only by amputees and people with polio, but people who have orthopedic problems in their knees or ankles. Often able-bodied players are on the club teams. Because of the game's quick pace, the use of your hands to move and play the ball, good balance and a sturdy bottom are a necessity. Consequently, it is not the ideal sport for most paraplegics.

Men's sitting volleyball was introduced to the Paralympic Games in 1980 and has grown to be one of the more popular Paralympic sports due to the fast and exciting action. Women's sitting volleyball was added to the program for the 2004 Summer Paralympics in Athens, Greece. The international governing body for the sport is The World Organisation Volleyball for Disabled (WOVD). The WOVD was founded in 1980 in the Netherlands, by the Dutchman Pieter Joon.

Blind volleyball

Also known as 'ghost volleyball', it is another variation that tries to remove height of players as a determining factor in team success is blind volleyball. Ad-hoc blind volleyball is where sheets are draped over the net so one side cannot see the other side. A more formal type of blind volleyball removes the traditional volleyball net and replaces it with a tarp thick enough that shadows cast on it cannot be seen from the other side. Blocks are almost impossible to do since it is difficult to know where the ball is going to come over the net. Spikes and overhand serves are prohibited because it is already very difficult for the receiving team to react to any incoming ball without the increased speed of a ball struck in such a manner.

Blind volleyball additionally creates a higher level of suspense for spectators, who, unlike the players, can see what is taking place on both sides.

Another unique feature of blind volleyball is how it can make the back row the row that hits the ball over the net. In regular volleyball, the back row tends to receive the volleyball and then move it to the front row. In blind volleyball, moving the ball to the back row makes it harder for the other team to see where the ball is and by hitting the ball on a flatter trajectory, the back-row players can more easily surprise the receiving team on where the ball will be coming over the net.

Nine-man volleyball

Nine-man volleyball is a variation of volleyball utilizing nine players and a slightly larger court (10 by 20 meters) originated in Asia in the 1920s when American missionaries introduced the game in China. The birthplace of 9man can be speculated to be the city of Tai-Shan, China where 9man tournaments are played regularly, sometimes even for prize money. 9man is also played for recreation in South Korea.

The variant became popular within the Chinese-American communities community in New York City and spread to Chinatowns other large US and Canadian cities. The North American version of 9man volleyball continues to grow with a rotating popular tournament called the North American Chinese Invitational Volleyball Tournament. It was played in the Asian Games in 1958 and in 1962.

Aside from the larger court and additional players, rule differences for 9man volleyball in Asia and of those used in the NACIVT differ.

The major rule differences from indoor volleyball and NACIVT 9man rules include (Those rules in italics only apply within NACIVT rules):

9man rules used in Asia are slightly different:

In South Korea, nine-man volleyball is popular as a recreation. But those who plays it are not used to the detailed rule of the game because they generally watch only 6-man volleyball (standard volleyball) on TV or somewhere. So the rule generally played tends to be the mixture of the original 9-man volleyball and standard volleyball.

Traditional Volleyball

Traditional volleyball has its roots in East Africa, India, and Pakistan. The game is usually played within the Ithna Ashari Muslim, Bohra Muslim, Ismaili Muslim, Punjabi, and Hindu communities worldwide. The game varies from indoor gymnasium play, outdoor play on sand, grass, or clay, as well as street volleyball for recreation. In the U.S.A, the game made its way there as early as the '60's, and flourishes today throughout several American cities. Albuquerque, Houston, Dallas, NY (Union & Haidery), Miami, Corpus Christie, San Antonio, Allentown (Challengers & Union), L.A. Stars, Minnesota, and Orlando are among the active cities/states with teams that practice weekly. In the U.K, the game was introduced in the '50's. There is a 3 touch system like International volleyball, however, traditional volleyball does not require the bump-set-spike scenario. Instead, traditional volleyball is based on a consistent volley of the ball, only the serving side can score, and players play a style which is considered "closed hand/fist" play.

The game can be played with up to 9 participants per side (similar to Asian 9 man volleyball, but with variations to the game), or as little as 5. There is no rotation in traditional volleyball, however, in certain East Indian and Southeast Asian communities, they do allow rotating as the rules tend to vary from team to team. The court can vary from 30' to 30' to as large as '35 by '35. Some of the best traditional volleyball teams are centered in Canada, from Toronto East, Markham, Ottawa, Montreal, United Stars, Toronto North, Toronto Friends, RK's Golden Eagles, Toronto Union, and Jaffery Sports Club, to Calgary, Africana Volleyball Edmonton, Vancouver, and Port Moody. In the UK, there are also many teams, such as AK Stars, United Stars, Birmingham Stars, Hyderi, Stanmore, Mwanza Boys, Supersonic, Star Bullets, Northampton Volleyball, and much more. The weight of the ball in traditional volleyball varies as well. In North America and the UK, they play with a lighter ball-around 8.5-13 lbs. of pressure, however, in East Africa, India, and Pakistan-they play with a heavier ball-anywhere from 14 to 18 lbs. of pressure. Spiking is usually allowed on first contacts with the ball, however, they no longer allow the ball to be spiked on a third touch in North America. North American players have dominated in this variation for over 15 years. Recognized players amongst the Ismaili community are Faisal Bhanji, Firoz "Reblo" Hemraj, Tagaro, Sidi, Salim Bhanji, and several others. Recognized players amongst the Ithna-Ashri community are Muna GG, Mehboob GG, Hasnain, Turab Kermally, Samir Hirji, Asgar Haider, the Khimji Brothers, Husein Rai, Najaf Dhirani, and upcoming youth from Minnesota, Orlando and New York City. It is great to see the game evolve to this point, and hopefully it will continue so the next generation can reap the fruits of the hard work put in by us; the forefathers who no longer play this game.

Some of the key positions on the team are Net Center (or nettie). He is responsible for lifting and/or digging the ball out of the net on a second touch. In the old days, the nettie was encouraged to lift the ball up and over the net to the opposing team. As the years went by, and the variant styles of the game were changing, the nettie was encouraged to lift the ball back to his team, so that they could strike the ball (third touch) to the opposing side, and keep the volley going. There was usually 1 nettie per team. Today, however, teams are allowed to play with up to 2 netties simultaneously, or even a third nettie on the far right or left corners of the net-thus preventing an advantage of the opposing team to drop or 'dink' the ball.

The short center position, which is relatively new, is a position that was previously called the 'sweeper' position. This position was put into fruition in Canada some years ago. The object of the short center is to strike the ball into the net as much as he can, so that the nettie can give a nice, high, clean lift to his team to strike back to the opposing side.

The third and probably most important position is the Long Center (formerly third line). He controls the pace, tempo, and speed of the game, while instrumental in taking points by a method called flights or shooting. Everyone else on the team, from the front line wings to the back line wings, as well as the serviceman, also play pivotal roles on the team. The serviceman is not allowed to serve overhand though.

Traditional Volleyball teams play in local, state, regional, national, and even international tournaments every year. From Dar Es Salaam and Nairobi, to Karachi and centers in Western Europe, the game is growing and more youth are now playing traditional volleyball more than ever. The hope is that one day, this version of volleyball could be played at the Asian Games or even the Olympics. Unlike the FIVB, there is no governing body for traditional volleyball. There was an attempt back in the mid to late '90's and into the millennium, to form a North American league called TVANA-Traditional Volleyball Association of North America. This league was founded by Ashad Satchu and Nishad Jiwa, and had 3 successful tournaments in Houston before sadly folding. A similar league called the "TVL - Traditional Volleyball League" has recently been formed in Northampton, UK, by Riz Rehmatullah and Arfan Sarwar. [1]. They hold their tournaments locally in which teams from all over the UK are invited to participate. A new league is to start in 2010, and similar leagues are being set up all around the world, so that teams can compete in brotherhood and sportsmanship once again.

TVANA - Jamal Cup-Houston Results:

1996: Houston (W). - Orlando (Runners Up)
1997: Toronto East* (W). - Toronto Metro Stars (Runners Up)
1999: Toronto East* (W). - Britannia-Vancouver (Runners Up)
2000: Toronto East* (W). - Toronto Jaffery's (Runners Up)

*TVANA Triple Crown Champions: Toronto East

Jamal Cup-Houston Results:

2004: Toronto North (W). - Toronto East (Runners Up)
2007: Toronto North (W). - Toronto East (Runners Up)-MAIN ROUND
2007: San Antonio (W). - Houston "B" (Runners Up)-CONSOLATION ROUND


Toronto North (W). - Toronto East (Runners Up)

Alberta Cup-Edmonton:

2006: Toronto North (W). - Cosmos Edmonton (Runners Up)

"Shooting Ball" (Traditional Volleyball Offshoot)

Traditional volleyball, in India, is known as "Shooting ball". In India, the National Federation of Shooting Ball organizes tournaments every year. The game can be played with 7 participants per side, with no rotation system. The State Govt. of Maharashtra, India, has given recognition to Shooting ball. The State Govt. presented the award of "Shiv Chhatrapati Puraskar", to Shooting ball players among others. This award is given on the similar lines of the "Arjuna Award ", from the Govt. of India. The first winner of this award was Shri. Ashok Chaudhari (Jalagaon) for the year 1995-96. The next recipient of "Shiv Chhatrapati Puraskar" for Shooting ball was Shri. Vishnu Lahanu Nikam (Nandgaon, Dist. Nashik) for the year 1996-97.

Traditional Volleball - Dubai

In recent years, traditional style has picked up with great interest in Dubai. With a large community, strongly being pushed by influences of the youth, Dubai has developed a way to encourage the traditional way. Leaders in performance caliber include Mujtaba Khimji (a.k.a Mujju) and Aqeel Hemraj who constantly deliver the best performances in the front. When the backs are lined up you have strong performances from Zuhair Amirali (a.k.a JuJu) and Zakki Yusufali. Service is a big part of the scoring strategy and is a department once again dominated by JuJu, who was early to learn his fathers greatest move. In recent years, up coming stars have included the vigilant likes of Salim Laving and Hussain Dharsi who continue to shock and awe. The name base of great stars is ever growing. Now with the addition of the "third touch", netty's are springing from all corners of the play ground. The dominant Altaf Posta and Smarties make it seem effortless and present great lifting skills, while Ali Raza Khimjee and Aqeel Hemraj are more famous for setting up the ball for the front or back center to give it what is known as 'third ball flat float shot". This is something which is picking up the pace of the game and making it more difficult for tammer fronts and backs to return.

Players: Aziz Ali Dhala, Imran Ali Dhala, Ali Sibtain Hirji, Imran Posta, Abdul Hussain Posta, Altaf Posta, Amin Merchant, Sibtain Merchant, Zuhair Amirali Hemraj, Aqeel Ansar Hemraj, Shane Abbas Yusufali, Kumail Somji, Ali Hussain Esmail, Sajjad Kareem, Jordy Murtaza Abid, Maaza Hemraj, Abbas Virani, Mohammed Mazhar and many many many more.

The game which was largely famous for being played outdoors has come under inspection since the ever famous Iranian Club decided to rip out its entire stadium for a facelift. This left the Jaffery Volleyball Team in a limbo and forcing them to follow, temporarily, the infamous Unity Sports Club Volleyball Team who thrive in the all know of indoor Volleyball Dubai - Traditional Style.

Update November 2011: The Iranian Club has now finished its works and the stadium is now fully available for use. The original volleyball court has shrunk a little and there is a huge delay in every out ball towards the open soccer field behind. Also, the ground which was sand is now grassed, and this is very odd, as slipping and sliding, is now becoming part of the art in getting points. For the record, Abdul Hussain Karim Posta was the first victim to the slip-slide-ball-in-face point.

In recent months, the level of competitiveness has started to take its toll on the weaker with many new comers not being able to coop and breaking lose. This is proving to be a good riddance as too many players has always been a problem!


Wallyball is played in a racquetball court, which is divided into two halves by a net. The game is played like volleyball, with the added complexity that players may carom the ball off a side wall when playing it into the opponents' court. If a ball played over the net contacts the ceiling, the opponent's back wall, or both side walls without being touched by an opponent, the ball is ruled out of bounds. The pace of the game is generally fast, as the confined quarters encourage quick action and the walls often keep the ball conveniently in play.


Bossaball is a mix of volleyball, football (soccer), gymnastics and capoeira. The court is a combination of inflatables and trampolines, divided by a net.

Mixed teams

Most competitive volleyball is played with same-sex teams (exclusively so at the elite levels, although the International Volleyball Association ran a professional co-ed league in the 1970s). Different sets of rules have been drafted to allow for mixed teams, often known as "coed" teams in the United States. The net is at men's height for "regular coed" and women's height for "reverse coed". Several adaptations are common, some of them to compensate for the men's greater reach and strength. The FIVB rules used internationally do not support mixed play, but USA Volleyball, the national governing body for the United States, has specific rules, the main points of which are:

Ecuadorian volleyball (Ecuavolley)

A volleyball variation that is played with two 3-player teams usually outdoors or cement courts with a higher net (2.75m - 2.80m) and the use of a soccer ball No. 5. In this type of volleyball the basics are the same but you are allowed to slightly hold the ball in your hands before passing it. The 3 different types of players are the placer (sp. colocador), the server (sp. servidor), and the flyer (sp. volador). The flyer plays behind the placer and the server and runs quickly from one side to another recovering balls. Usually the flyer recovers the ball for the server. The server sets the ball in the air so that the placer can pass the ball over the net. The placer places the ball on the opposite court in a strategic mannar, in an attempt to fool the other team of where it is going to land. The referee is called the judge. This game is widely played in Ecuador, and is so popular that it is played even by Colombians and in the United States and Europe.

Nutso volleyball

A variation with an unspecified number of players. It is played indoors using regulation volleyball nets, most commonly in a gymnasium. The ball may bounce two times on each side and may also be bounced off the walls, ceiling, or any other permanent fixture in the gymnasium. It is a registered Physical Education activity under the New York, Maryland and Massachusetts Board of Education standards. Most often played in North American high schools as a less-competitive education tool, promoting bump-passing and spiking, Nutso Volleyball is evidenced to be spreading to the United Kingdom, as evidenced in the Carlton Carr film Click starring Adam Sandler.


Jollyball is a cross between juggling and volleyball. A juggling ball is passed between players who must catch it by using the ball, plus the two that they are holding, to perform a juggling pattern.

Soft volleyball

Soft volleyball is played using a larger rubber volleyball, which is designed to absorb initial impact on the arms. Ideally this type of volleyball is used to introduce the game to first time players and adolescents, with a focus on control, fundamentals of the game and just having fun. The Soft Volleyball is commonly used in Japanese Elementary and Junior Highschools for the very purpose mentioned above. A usual game of Soft Volleyball has 4 people per side rather than 6.

Aquatic volleyball

Aquatic volleyball is a team sport similar to volleyball, but adapted for competition in a shallow swimming pool. It is also referred to as "pool volleyball", and sometimes as "aquapolo", not to be confused with water polo.

Beach aquatic volleyball

Beach aquatic volleyball is an individual or team sport similar to aquatic volleyball adapted for play in the shallow water of a beach.

Jail ball

Volleyball that is played over a large fence instead of a net. Usually played because a lack of sand volleyball courts. Grabbing and scaling the fence are legal because of the difficulty of blocking and spiking.


Spikeball is played 2 on 2 with rules like volleyball. As stated by Urban Dictionary, “A taut Hula Hoop-sized net is placed at ankle level between a pair of two-player teams. You smack the palm-sized ball down on the net so it ricochets up at your opponents. They have up to three hits between them to control it and bounce it back to you. When they miss, you score. First team to 21 wins.


Manball is a recent version of volleyball played with only 2 to 4 people per team, and using a 10 lb. rubber medicine ball. It is played much like beach volleyball but instead of hitting the ball, players catch and throw the ball in one fluid motion. Manball combines a cardiovascular workout with a weight lifting workout into a game that does not feel like either. (For full game rules see manball.info)

Short Court

Short court is usually played as a warm up to a volleyball practice or game. It is played with any number of players on each side using the side lines and the attack line as boundaries. The server serves the ball from behind the attack line and most regular volleyball rules apply. Any player may hit the ball, however, and the rules for attacking vary slightly. Because of the length of the court an attacker may "throw" the ball as long as he uses only one hand and does it while remaining in the air.


Popularized by President Herbert Hoover, Hooverball is played with a volleyball net and a medicine ball; it is scored like tennis, but the ball is caught and then thrown back. The weight of the medicine ball can make the sport to be quite physically demanding; annual championship tournaments are held annually in West Branch, Iowa.

Histon Rules

Histon Rules are a set of variations on the standard rules applied by the St Andrews Men's Sports group in Histon, near Cambridge, England. The new/modified rules employed are the following:

1. A service return must not go directly back across the net.

2. After three consecutive winning points on serve the server must switch serving hand.

3. The ball may be played only with the hands. Contact with other parts of the body is a foul.

4. A "Masson" shot is disallowed except as the third touch by the side. A Masson shot is one played with two hands with one's back to the net which crosses to the other side.


A version of the game used for primary school students. Underarm serves are used instead of overarm, and players are allowed to hold the ball. This is called a 'carry'. There are 9 players in each team, and rotation is in an inverted 'S' shape. It is often played in Interschool Sport matches.

Other Volleyball variations for youth

Volley 2000, invented in Sweden in the 1980s, is adapted for young players and other beginners. It is played with the same rules as standard volleyball with some expetions: net height is 2,00 m, 4 (min. 3) players in the court, one bounce allowed, underhand serve allowed at the 3 m line, no libero. Normally played best in 3 sets, and peers serve as referees in tournaments. National and international tournaments with hundreds of teams are held for players 10–14 years in Northern Europe.
Kidsvolley was invented in Denmark in 2001 and is adapted for 6-9-years-old kids, as a soft introduction to volleyball, in a very entertaining way, divided into level 0 to 2, according to skill level. The ball is caught with the hands, and if it thrown out, in the net or dropped to the floor, the failing player must leave the court. Depending on the level one player can enter again when a ball is received properly, but whenever all 4 team members are "out" the other team scores points. In Northern Europe Kidsvolley is used in schools and in volleyball clubs, and local tournaments are arranged by the district volleyball associations. In Germany and Austria, volleyball for youth is played with basically standard rules but smaller courts, lower nets and less players 2,3 or 4), to allow each player have more ball contact and keeping the ball in play for a longer time, thus maintaining a higher level of interest.

Informal variations

There are a number of volleyball variations that do not have a standardized set of rules. Mud volleyball, played in mud pits, is one. Mud volleyball tournaments are often organized as fundraisers.


Fistball (Germ. "Faustball") has many similarities with volleyball and was known in Central Europe at least from the 16th Century, thus of different origin. The game came to the USA first in 1911 with Christopher Carlton. It is often played in 5 player teams, outdoor on a grass field 50m x 20m. One bounce is allowed between each hit.


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