
Dres [drɛs] or dresiarz [drɛɕaʂ] (plural dresy [drɛsɨ] or dresiarze [drɛɕaʐɛ]) is a term used in Poland to describe a specific subculture or class of young males. Dresiarze stereotypically live in urban tower blocks or tenement houses. They are usually portrayed as undereducated, unemployed, aggressive and anti-social.[1] The dresiarz phenomenon was first observed in the 1990s. It would later partially merge with the hooligan subcultures, especially football hooligans.

The term refers to tracksuits, which in Polish is dres. [2] Kark (pl. Polish: karki - napes) and blokers (pl. Polish: blokersi - block-people) are related but not synonymous terms.[3]. The term has a pejorative connotation in Polish mass-media[1] * Their female counterparts are known as dupy,[4] suczki[5] or blachary[6], with all these terms having a pejorative connotation.

Dorota Masłowska's novel White and Red[7] is one of the first books published featuring the dresiarz phenomenon. Dresy have been a theme of (usually critical) songs by Dezerter and Big Cyc. They are also popular negative characters in the comic strip Jeż Jerzy.



The following traits are typically attributed to the dresiarz stereotype:

Related terms

Other countries

Outside Poland the following words describe people from this social group:

External links


  1. ^ a b (Polish) Dialogi polityczne, O tym, dlaczego dresiarze noszą dresy. Rozważania nad antropologią odzieży sportowej w subkulturach chuligańskich
  2. ^ (Polish) Poradnik pedagogiczno - resocjalizacyjny: "(...) określenia odnoszą się do młodzieżowych subkultur dewiacyjnych, których powstanie jest efektem ubocznym procesów transformacji ustrojowej i zmian społeczno-politycznych zachodzących w naszym kraju w latach 90."
  3. ^ (Polish) Newsweek.pl, Dresiarz ściąga dres 2002-09-22
  4. ^ From a vulgar term dupa, (Polish) Słownik języka polskiego
  5. ^ Dimunitive of a vulgar term suka, (Polish) Słownik języka polskiego
  6. ^ a b (Polish) Wprost.pl: Blachary atakują
  7. ^ Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną. Warsaw 2002: Lampa i Iskra Boża, ISBN 83-86735-87-2 (UK edition: White and Red, Atlantic Books, ISBN 1-84354-423-7; US edition: Snow White and Russian Red, Grove Press, ISBN 0-8021-7001-3)