Dragons: Fire and Ice

Dragons: Fire and Ice

DVD cover
Directed by Craig Wilson
Starring Mark Hildreth
Richard Newman
Mark Oliver
Chiara Zanni
Music by Brian Carson
Ari Wise
Editing by Don Briggs
Studio Lionsgate
Distributed by Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Release date(s) October 12, 2004 (2004-10-12)
Country United States
Language English

Dragons: Fire & Ice is a 2004 animated adventure film and the first of a two part series based on the Mega Bloks toyline. Fire & Ice was released directly to DVD and is the story of two unlikely heroes, Prince Dev of the Norvagen and Princess Kyra of the Draigar. These two band together along with their dragons, Targon and Aroara, to help save Dragon World and their world from evil.[1]



Human Characters

Prince Dev

Prince Dev is among the greatest of Norvagen warriors, though he suffers from a troubled temperament.

Sixteen-year-old Dev is the only son of the Norvagen King Olsef. When Dev was born, his people had already been at war for a thousand years with their bitter enemies, the Draigar. As the years passed Dev matured into one of the foremost Norvagen warriors, and remains a warrior at heart even now that peace has been established.

Dev is a brazen risk-taker who has little regard for rules, manners or protocol. Fast with the quips, Dev is also quick to anger, which can be his Achilles heel. Headstrong and filled with bravado, Dev is impulsive. However, he is courageous and loyal, and has a powerful sense of honor. Dev is an expert with his fists, a sword and an axe.

Dev has a connection with the wind. It seems to reflect his moods, howling along the Norvagen battlements when Dev himself is angry. As Dev matured, his wind-powers grew more formidable. But this is cause for unease, because Dev does not have full control of these powers … and nor does he have full control over his own turbulent emotions. Dev’s temperament is like his grandfather’s, a berserker whose battle-fury carried him to victory after victory, until in the end it destroyed him.

Deep down, Dev himself is increasingly worried about his moods, and fears what destiny may lie in wait if he is not able to subdue them.

Princess Kyra

Kyra’s intelligence is matched only by her fighting skills. Close friend and ally to Dev, she too was born into nobility during the thousand-years war between the Draigar and Norvagen. But unlike Dev, this young Draigar princess is thoughtful and meticulous, and rarely given over to impulsive actions.

This tendency to over-think and over-analyze means that Kyra sometimes lacks spontaneity. But she’s fearless and formidable in battle. With her martial arts prowess, she’s as graceful as a dancer … and as swift as a striking snake. Kyra also has a deadly dry wit, and a tongue that’s as quick as her spear.

Kyra possesses a power – and a destiny – she does not yet fully understand. She has a mystical connection with fire, which will flare up and recede in accordance with her moods.

Increasingly troubled by Dev’s turbulent moods, Kyra has tried to talk to him about her concerns, but this just causes him to withdraw from her. Kyra still regards Dev as her closest friend, but these days she feels painfully distanced from him, and more and more she fears where his anger will lead.


Xenoz is an evil Wizard who controls Ice. He is very powerful and along with Stendhal assassinated the Dragon Queen and many more dragons and stole their crystals. With his scrying crystal, he can see into people's minds. He longs to own the Aurothon, the powerful crystal belonging to Thoron. He also wears an ice mask which looks like his face. His real face is burned and deformed from the retaliating attack from Thoron after his queen's murder and he resents Thoron even more for this fact.


Gortaz is a Vorgan. The Vorgons are a race of half human/half beast creatures. Gortaz is the leader of the Vorgan army and killed many dragons with Xenoz for food. The Vorgans themselves have been able to tame a primitive race of dragons from the swamps known as Nogards. Gortaz is eventually betrayed by Xenoz and falls to his death.



Thoron is the King of Dragons. He wears a huge silver collar around his neck but it has no gemstone. This is because he split the Aurothon, his gemstone, in two parts and hid the parts inside Dev and Kyra which gave them their powers. Thoron can pass between both the Human and Dragon World and activate magical locations no others can. His queen, whose name is unknown, was assassinated by Stendhal, a rogue dragon that was once friends with Thoron. He can blow powerful fire. His gemstone is the orathon and he is the only one besides Qionous who can use it.


Stendhal is a red dragon who was banished from Dragon World for committing treason. He was once friends with Thoron and often competed with each other, but when Thoron was crowned king of the dragons, Stendhal grew jealous and rebelled against him. He teamed up with Xenoz to kill the Dragon Queen so that Xenoz could take her Ice Crystal. As punishment Stendehl was imprisoned for 1000 years. After he was released, he immediately battled Thoron once again. During this battle, the Aurothon was activated and though Stendhal was defeated and imprisoned in a golden temple, Thoron was hurled into the human world. He was almost freed by a sorceress named Scylla, the leader of the Odaku, in return for teaching her how to conjure Shadow Dragons.

Shadow Dragons

These dragons are the spirits of evil dragons, made of shadow. They have high pitched whispery voices and can scare humans into death. They are normally never seen but fly around sometimes when summoned. Stendhal had knowledge in how to summon these evil beings and taught the methods to Scylla in exchange for his freedom. It is said when Shadow Dragons kill pure-hearted dragons, their victims are reborn as Light Dragons, the polar opposites of Shadow Dragons. Light Dragons are said to be the only creatures powerful enough to kill Shadow Dragons. After Slann was killed in Metal Ages, he too became a Shadow Dragon and managed to sneak into Dragon World.

Ice Dragons

These dragons are made of dragon bones and ice, and were summoned by Xenoz. They screech a lot and breath sharp shards of ice breath. They can be melted by fire and have long curving horns like a bull.


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