Dragon (zodiac)

The Dragon (simplified Chinese: ; traditional Chinese: ), is one of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar, and the only animal that is legendary. The Year of the Dragon is associated with the earthly branch symbol .


Years and the Five Elements

Persons born within these date ranges can be said to have been born in the "Year of the Dragon," while also bearing the following elemental sign:[1]

Traditional Dragon attributes and associations

Zodiac Location 5th
Ruling hours 7am-9am
Direction East-southeast
Motto “I Reign”[2]
Season and month Spring, April
Fixed element Water
Stem Positive
Lunar Month Dates April 5 – May 4
Birthstone Ruby
Colors Red
Roughly equivalent western sign Aries
Polarity Yang
Food Wheat, poultry
Ruling Countries  China,  United Kingdom,  Italy,  Denmark  Iran,  Japan,  Bulgaria,  Vietnam,  FSM

See also


External links