Don Schultz

Don Schultz (b. 13 May 1936 in Woodhaven, Queens, New York) is a former president and a former vice-president of the United States Chess Federation (USCF). He currently resides in Florida. He was elected vice-president on August 14, 2005. He was defeated by the Susan Polgar-Paul Truong slate when he ran for re-election in July, 2007. He is a rated chess expert.

Schultz first ran for USCF President in 1966, but was defeated by Marshall Rohland. In the 1981, Schultz was appointed U.S. Delegate to FIDE, the World Chess Federation. In 1982, in Thessaloniki, Schultz was elected to the Executive Council of FIDE.

In 1992, he was elected to the Policy Board of the USCF. In 1993, he organized a tour for the Israel Youth Chess Team to the US. In 1993 and 1994 he, along with Yasser Seirawan, ran a chess school for children in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. In 1996, Schultz was elected President of the USCF for a three-year term. In 2003, Schultz was elected to the Executive Board of the USCF for a four year term. He is the author of two books, "Chessdon" and "Fischer, Kasparov and the Others". He has held numerous political positions in chess. Here is a list:


State Associations

Major Tournaments Organized

Other Major Event Organized

Other Key Positions


External links