Divisia index

A Divisia index is a theoretical construct to create index number series for continuous-time data on prices and quantities of goods exchanged.

It is designed to incorporate quantity and price changes over time from subcomponents which are measured in different units -- e.g. labor hours and equipment investment and materials purchases -- and to summarize these in a time series which summarizes the changes in quantities and/or prices. The resulting index number series is unitless, like other index numbers.[1]

In practice, economic data are not measured in continuous time so when a series is said to be a Divisia index, it usually means the series follows a procedure that makes a close analogue in discrete time periods, usually the Törnqvist index procedure or the Fisher Ideal Index procedures.[2]



Divisia-type indexes are used in these contexts for example:

Data input

The theory of the Divisia indexes of goods (say, inputs to a production process, or prices for consumer goods) uses these components as data input:

\sum_{i} p(0)*q(0) = P(0)Q(0) .

Then a price index P(t) and quantity index Q(t) are the solution to a differential equation and if P(0) and Q(0) were chosen suitably the series summarize all transactions in the sense that for all t:[2]

\sum_{i} p(t)*q(t) = P(t)Q(t).

Discrete-time approximations

In practices, discrete time analogues to Divisia indexes are the ones computed and used. To define and compute changes in an discrete time index closely analogous to a Divisia index index from time 0 to time 1:

(See, for example, Divisia monetary aggregates index.)


Divisia indexes were proposed and analyzed formally by François Divisia in 1926, and discussed in related 1925 and 1928 works.[2][5]


  1. ^ Charles R. Hulten, 2008. "Divisia index" The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract.
  2. ^ a b c Diewert, W.E. 1993. The early history of price index research. Chapter 2 of Essays in Index Number Theory, Volume I, W.E. Diewert and A.O. Nakamura, editors. Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.
  3. ^ Divisia money supply index at moneyterms.co.uk
  4. ^ Monetary Services Index at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Research pages
  5. ^ • Divisia, F. 1925. "L'indice monétaire et la théorie de la monnaie." Revue d'écon. polit., XXXIX, Nos. 4, 5, 6: 842-61, 980-1008, 1121-51.
       • Divisia, F. 1926. "L'indice monétaire et la théorie de la monnaie." Revue d'écon. polit., LX, No. 1: 49-81.
       • Divisia, F. L'économie rationnelle (1928) Paris: Gaston Doin et Cie.