
DIMETRA IP is the brand name under which Motorola markets its implementation of the TETRA digital radio communications standard.



Tetra is a scalable radio network technology typically used by emergency services (Police, Ambulance, Fire fighters) and other Government agencies. Dimetra IP is built around Motorola's IP (Internet Protocol) core technology while Tetra is an open standard maintained by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute. Dimetra is capable being deployed as an integrated radio communication network, covering entire countries or even across continents and regions. The technology is similar in nature to the popular GSM cellphone networks but operates in a more secure and resilient manner due to capabilities built into the standard. Tetra networks and radios from various manufacturers are able to seamlessly connect and inter operate with each other since the standard is open.

Motorola's entire range of TETRA products including Network Infrastructure, Mobile Radios and Services carry the Dimetra brand. Dimetra is one of the leading TETRA implementations used in over 200 independent installation in various parts of the world.

Major Dimetra installations by country

Countrywide Dimetra installation in various stages of deployment(2007)

Countrywide Dimetra installation in various stages of deployment(2010)


Motorola TETRA

Tetra Association

External links