
The Digivice is a device from the fictional anime/manga Digimon series. The name 'digivice' is short for 'digital device'. They are based on the first Digimon product, the Digimon virtual pet. In the anime seasons 1-5, as well as the manga V-Tamer, Chronicle, D-Cyber (Chinese comic), and Digimon Next, the Digivice is used by human characters to make their Digimon partners Digivolve, and in some cases, to transform themselves into Digimon. In the third series, the Digivice was also used to scan cards, giving their partner digimon special power-ups. In some series, the protagonists must face the threat of human enemies also possessing Digivices and Digimon partners. Each story featured one or two of the many types of Digivice presented so far.


Digivices used in the anime

Original Digivice

Wielded by the DigiDestined of Digimon Adventure, the original Digivices were created for them by Gennai's group of Digital World guardians. Considered "Holy Devices" in the Japanese version, they serve to channel the emotional energy of the DigiDestined, allowing their Digimon partners to Digivolve up to Champion level; when used in conjunction with the energies of a Crest, the Digivices also permit Digivolution to the Ultimate level, and, in the case of Tai and Matt, Warp Digivolution to the Mega level. When employed for an Ultimate or Mega level Digivolution, the Digivices warp and change color, matching the colorations of the DigiDestined's Crests, as follows:

In addition to permitting Digivolution, the Digivices have some other abilities. They can project beams of light that have debilitating effects on evil Digimon - those under the control of a Black Gear will have it forced from their body, while those who are simply unpleasant in nature will be turned to goodness. These beams can restrain Digimon, and, on one occasion, combined to create a force-field that contained a massive explosion. On a more simple level, they have built-in clocks, and are able to track the signal emitted by other Digivices. Perhaps it's greatest ability though is when gathered together the eight digivices have the ability to create a powerful forcefield, which is later used to contain a blast that would destroy both the real and digital world. To travel into the Digital World, one must possess a Digivice.

Digimon Adventure 02 revealed that Ken Ichijouji also possessed a Digivice of this design, which was transformed into a D-3 Digivice through immersion in the Dark Ocean and the Crest of Kindness, which he never used in tandem with it. The various international DigiDestined seen around the world during this series also carried original Digivices.

D-3 Digivice

The D-3s are the Digivices of the new DigiDestined introduced in Digimon Adventure 02, having been created by Azulongmon and the Harmonious Ones along with the Digi-Eggs to counter the power of the Digimon Emperor's Dark D-3. Soon after the three new DigiDestined children acquired their D-3s - released from the Digi-Egg of Courage - T.K. and Kari's original Digivices were upgraded into D-3 forms. D-3s have a white center with differently-coloured grips for each DigiDestined, as follows:

Dubbed "D-3s" by Izzy for their three settings - Digivolve, Detect and Discover - the D-3s possess all the functions of the original Digivices, allowing for Digivolution to the Champion level and DNA Digivolution (called Jogress in the Japanese version) to Ultimate, or after Azulongmon energized them with his digicores, further digivolution into mega from Paildramon, and before the rest donated their received power to Imperialdramon to allow Mode Change, to Ultimate as well. Used in conjunction with Digi-Eggs (stored within everyday store-bought palmtops known as "D-Terminals") D-3s also allow Armor Digivolution.

A specific power that the D-3s possess over the original Digivices is their ability to open "Digi-Ports" - computer programs that serve as gateways to the Digital World. Original Digivices cannot perform this function, although once a Digi-Port is opened by a D-3, holders can still traverse the dimensional gap. This means that D-3's are necessary to get into the Digital World, as the dimensional barrier between the worlds was repaired when the original Digidestined released their Crests.

Ken Ichijouji's corrupted Dark D-3 have the inverse effect of a normal Digivice, projecting an energy which inhibited Digivolution. In the guise of the Digimon Emperor, Ken constructed a series of "Control Spires" around the Digital World and broadcast this energy into them; in turn, the spires generated wide-range energy fields that prevented Digivolution in the surrounding area. Ken was eventually freed from this dark influence and was able to use his Digivice to naturally evolve his Digimon partner, Wormmon; although he possessed the Crest of Kindness, he did not use it in conjunction with his Digivice in the animated series, though he did use the crest in egg form in Michi e no Armor shinka.

Toy versions of the D-3s were divided in five versions: Version 1(Veemon/Wormmon), Version 2(Hawkmon/Gatomon), and Version 3(Armadillomon/Patamon). While the other characters' D-3s were used, Kari and TK's were replaced with white/blue and black/blue respectively. There is also a "Paildramon version" and final "clear" version of Davis D-3.

D-Power (D-Arc in Japan)

Toy versions of the D-Power were also released in Japan in 4 versions as well. Versions 1.0(Ryos blue digivice and Takatos red digivice) version 1.5(Henry's green digivice) 2.0(rikas blue digivice and a clear ry schemed digivice)3.0(takato's golden and red digivice) Cards that looked like the ones in the TV show were also released with special codes on them that could be input into the Digivice to gain special items and digimon.

D-Tector (D-Scanner in Japan)

Data Link Digivice (Digivice iC in Japan)

Digivice Burst

Kurata's Digivice

Bio Link Digivice

Xros Loader

Darkness Loader

Digivices used in the manga

Digivice 01

Digimon Pendulum X


Digivice iC

Notes and references

  1. ^ a b In the American version of Digimon Tamers, Matrix Digivolution refers to digivolution from Champion to Ultimate. In the Japanese version, "Matrix Evolution" refers to both the Evolution from Adult to Perfect and from Child to Ultimate.
  2. ^ In the Japanese version of Digimon Frontier, Spirit Evolution is the evolution used with both Human and Beast Spirits.
  3. ^ a b In the Digimon Data Squad English Dub, when evolving from Rookie to Ultimate the digimon would use the prefix Warp Digivolve or the prefix Double Warp Digivolve when evolving from Rookie to Mega. However, the original Digimon Savers version has the Digimon use the Evolve (進化 Shinka) prefix for both evolutions.
  4. ^ Digivice Burst Official Site

External links