
Dighanchi is a village Tal Atapadi Dist Sangali in Maharashtra. This is situated on bank of River Manganga in Mandesha

Dighanchi is under the rain shadow area in the Maharashtra.

People: Dighanchi are finding all castes of Maharashtra. The Dominated two Maratha clans are More and Deshmukh. The Dighanchi having 65 percent backward castes and other Backward Class also the Denotified and Nomadic Tribes namely - Ramoshi, Davari Jogi/Nath Panthi Davari Gosavi, Wadar, Kaikadi, Sargar, Dhanager etc.


In the Dighanchi having the Mahadev temple near Gram panchayat office. In Dighanchi Gramdevata is Siddhanath Temple. another two temples are goddess Mariai. Near the Dighanchi the Awalai temple is 3 km from the Dighanchi. From the Dighanchi the one km Khandoba Temple.

Festivals: In the Dighanchi are celebrating the Hindu as well as Buddhist festivals. Traditional the population of Maratha is highly influenced by the Hindu Ideology. They are following the Hindu Festivals celebration. But the Bail Pola is celebrated highly prestigious in Dighanchi. the Bail Pola recession is taking place from the whole village. In the Dighanchi yearly Fair also celebrating.shivjanti,dighanchi festival in diwali,ganesh utsav,dahihandi

Education: The Population of Dighanchi are based on the labour work and agrarian products. Due to that they are found the 50 percent illiterate people in this village.

Educational Facilities: In Dighanchi having the Primary School education facility. also the Dighanch High School Dighanchi are available the higher education, elementary and higher secondary education. In Dighanchi for the Girls separate Girls High School is Available. The elite kind and Rich people from the Dighanchi established the English medium School but the Backward castes are not able to take education and employment in this village.

Library: In Dighanchi having the government funded library - Reading room at village level. but the recent books are not available.