
In mathematics, a diffeomorphism is an isomorphism in the category of smooth manifolds. It is an invertible function that maps one differentiable manifold to another, such that both the function and its inverse are smooth.



Given two manifolds M and N, a bijective map f from M to N is called a diffeomorphism if both

f:M\to N

and its inverse

f^{-1}:N\to M

are differentiable (if these functions are r times continuously differentiable, f is called a C^r-diffeomorphism).

Two manifolds M and N are diffeomorphic (symbol usually being \simeq) if there is a smooth bijective map f from M to N with a smooth inverse. They are C^r diffeomorphic if there is an r times continuously differentiable bijective map between them whose inverse is also r times continuously differentiable.

Diffeomorphisms of subsets of manifolds

Given a subset X of a manifold M and a subset Y of a manifold N, a function f�: X \to Y is said to be smooth if for all p \in X there is a neighborhood U \subset M of p and a smooth function g�: U \to N such that the restrictions agree g_{|U \cap X} = f_{|U \cap X} (note that g is an extension of f). We say that f is a diffeomorphism if it is bijective, smooth, and if its inverse is smooth.

Local description

Model example: if U and V are two connected open subsets of \mathbb{R}^n such that V is simply connected, a differentiable map f from U to V is a diffeomorphism if it is proper and if


Now, f from M to N is called a diffeomorphism if in coordinates charts it satisfies the definition above. More precisely, pick any cover of M by compatible coordinate charts, and do the same for N. Let \phi and \psi be charts on M and N respectively, with U being the image of \phi and V the image of \psi. Then the conditions says that the map \psi f \phi^{-1} from U to V is a diffeomorphism as in the definition above (whenever it makes sense). One has to check that for every couple of charts \phi, \psi of two given atlases, but once checked, it will be true for any other compatible chart. Again we see that dimensions have to agree.


Since any manifold can be locally parametrised, we can consider some explicit maps from two-space into two-space.

 J_f = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 2x & 3y^2 \\ 2x & -3y^2 \end{array} \right) .

The Jacobian matrix has zero determinant if, and only if. xy = 0. We see that f is a diffeomorphism away from the x-axis and the y-axis.

 J_g(0,0) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} a_{1,0} & a_{0,1} \\ b_{1,0} & b_{0,1} \end{array}\right).

We see that g is a local diffeomorphism at 0 if, and only if, a_{1,0}b_{0,1} - a_{0,1}b_{1,0} \neq 0, i.e. the linear terms in the components of g are linearly independent as polynomials.

 J_h = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 2x\cos(x^2 %2B y^2) & 2y\cos(x^2 %2B y^2) \\ -2x\sin(x^2%2By^2) & -2y\sin(x^2 %2B y^2) \end{array} \right) .

The Jacobian matrix has zero determinant everywhere! In fact we see that the image of h is the unit circle.

Diffeomorphism group

Let M be a differentiable manifold that is second-countable and Hausdorff. The diffeomorphism group of M is the group of all Cr diffeomorphisms of M to itself, and is denoted by Diffr(M) or Diff(M) when r is understood. This is a 'large' group, in the sense that it is not locally compact (provided M is not zero-dimensional).


The diffeomorphism group has two natural topologies, called the weak and strong topology (Hirsch 1997). When the manifold is compact, these two topologies agree. The weak topology is always metrizable. When the manifold is not compact, the strong topology captures the behavior of functions "at infinity", and is not metrizable. It is, however, still Baire.

Fixing a Riemannian metric on M, the weak topology is the topology induced by the family of metrics

d_K(f,g) = \sup_{x\in K} d(f(x),g(x)) %2B \sum_{1\le p\le r} \sup_{x\in K}\|D^pf(x) - D^pg(x)\|

as K varies over compact subsets of M. Indeed, since M is σ-compact, there is a sequence of compact subsets Kn whose union is M. Then, define

d(f,g) = \sum_n 2^{-n}\frac{d_{K_n}(f,g)}{1%2Bd_{K_n}(f,g)}.

The diffeomorphism group equipped with its weak topology is locally homeomorphic to the space of Cr vector fields (Leslie 1967). Over a compact subset of M, this follows by fixing a Riemannian metric on M and using the exponential map for that metric. If r is finite and the manifold is compact, the space of vector fields is a Banach space. Moreover, the transition maps from one chart of this atlas to another are smooth, making the diffeomorphism group into a Banach manifold. If r = ∞ or if the manifold is σ-compact, the space of vector fields is a Fréchet space. Moreover, the transition maps are smooth, making the diffeomorphism group into a Fréchet manifold.



For a connected manifold M the diffeomorphism group acts transitively on M. More generally, the diffeomorphism group acts transitively on the configuration space CkM. If the dimension of M is at least two the diffeomorphism group acts transitively on the configuration space FkM: the action on M is multiply transitive (Banyaga 1997, p. 29).

Extensions of diffeomorphisms

In 1926, Tibor Radó asked whether the harmonic extension of any homeomorphism (or diffeomorphism) of the unit circle to the unit disc yields a diffeomorphism on the open disc. An elegant proof was provided shortly afterwards by Hellmuth Kneser and a completely different proof was discovered in 1945 by Gustave Choquet, apparently unaware that the theorem was already known.

The (orientation-preserving) diffeomorphism group of the circle is pathwise connected. This can be seen by noting that any such diffeomorphism can be lifted to a diffeomorphism f of the reals satisfying f(x+1) = f(x) +1; this space is convex and hence path connected. A smooth eventually constant path to the identity gives a second more elementary way of extending a diffeomorphism from the circle to the open unit disc (this is a special case of the Alexander trick). Moreover, the diffeomorphism group of the circle has the homotopy-type of the orthogonal group O_2.

The corresponding extension problem for diffeomorphisms of higher dimensional spheres Sn−1 was much studied in the 1950s and 1960s, with notable contributions from René Thom, John Milnor and Stephen Smale. An obstruction to such extensions is given by the finite Abelian group Γn, the "group of twisted spheres", defined as the quotient of the Abelian component group of the diffeomorphism group by the subgroup of classes extending to diffeomorphisms of the ball Bn.


For manifolds the diffeomorphism group is usually not connected. Its component group is called the mapping class group. In dimension 2, i.e. for surfaces, the mapping class group is a finitely presented group, generated by Dehn twists (Dehn, Lickorish, Hatcher). Max Dehn and Jakob Nielsen showed that it can be identified with the outer automorphism group of the fundamental group of the surface.

William Thurston refined this analysis by classifying elements of the mapping class group into three types: those equivalent to a periodic diffeomorphism; those equivalent to a diffeomorphism leaving a simple closed curve invariant; and those equivalent to pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms. In the case of the torus S¹ x S¹ = R²/Z², the mapping class group is just the modular group SL(2,Z) and the classification reduces to the classical one in terms of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic matrices. Thurston accomplished his classification by observing that the mapping class group acted naturally on a compactification of Teichmüller space; since this enlarged space was homeomorphic to a closed ball, the Brouwer fixed-point theorem became applicable.

If M is an oriented smooth closed manifold, it was conjectured by Smale that the identity component of the group of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms is simple. This had first been proved for a product of circles by Michel Herman; it was proved in full generality by Thurston.

Homotopy types

Homeomorphism and diffeomorphism

It is easy to find a homeomorphism that is not a diffeomorphism, but it is more difficult to find a pair of homeomorphic manifolds that are not diffeomorphic. In dimensions 1, 2, 3, any pair of homeomorphic smooth manifolds are diffeomorphic. In dimension 4 or greater, examples of homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic pairs have been found. The first such example was constructed by John Milnor in dimension 7. He constructed a smooth 7-dimensional manifold (called now Milnor's sphere) that is homeomorphic to the standard 7-sphere but not diffeomorphic to it. There are in fact 28 oriented diffeomorphism classes of manifolds homeomorphic to the 7-sphere (each of them is a total space of the fiber bundle over the 4-sphere with the 3-sphere as the fiber).

Much more extreme phenomena occur for 4-manifolds: in the early 1980s, a combination of results due to Simon Donaldson and Michael Freedman led to the discovery of exotic R4s: there are uncountably many pairwise non-diffeomorphic open subsets of \mathbb{R}^4 each of which is homeomorphic to \mathbb{R}^4, and also there are uncountably many pairwise non-diffeomorphic differentiable manifolds homeomorphic to \mathbb{R}^4 that do not embed smoothly in \mathbb{R}^4.

See also


  1. ^ Smale, Diffeomorphisms of the 2-sphere, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 10 (1959) 621–626.


Chaudhuri, Shyamoli, Hakuru Kawai and S.-H Henry Tye. "Path-integral formulation of closed strings," Phys. Rev. D, 36: 1148, 1987.