Differential graded algebra

In mathematics, in particular abstract algebra and topology, a differential graded algebra is a graded algebra with an added chain complex structure that respects the algebra structure.



A differential graded algebra (or simply DGA) A is a graded algebra equipped with a map d\colon A \to A which is either degree 1 (cochain complex convention) or degree -1 (chain complex convention) that satisfies two conditions:

(i) d \circ d=0
This says that d gives A the structure of a chain complex or cochain complex (accordingly as the differential reduces or raises degree).
(ii) d(a \cdot b)=(da) \cdot b %2B (-1)^{|a|}a \cdot (db).
This says that the differential d respects the graded Leibniz rule.

Examples of DGAs

Other facts about DGAs

See also
