Destruction of Israeli tanks in the Second Intifada

Five Israeli heavy battle tanks and at least three Armoured personnel carrier's (APC's) were destroyed in the Second Intifada, in or on the border of Gaza strip. Five of them were destroyed by remote-controlled mines and three by rocket-propelled grenades (RPG). Two Israeli officers and 22 other Israeli soldiers were killed in the attacks, one abducted and at least nine wounded. One of the Merkava III and the two APC’s that was destroyed by RPG fire were hit in the ‘soft spot’ of the rear exit door.

The first Israeli tank to be destroyed in the Second intifada was February 14, 2002 on the Karni-Netzarim road in the Israeli-occupied Gaza strip. An escorted convoy of settlers were attacked by an explosive charge and small-arms fire, but none where injured. A heavy [[Merkava III] battle tank was sent as reinforcements. The tank went over a pre-positioned remote-controlled powerful mine, which totally destroyed the tank, killing three crewmen.[1][2]

About a month later a second Merkava tank was blown up in similar fashion in the same area, leading to another three Israeli fatalities. The tank commander as well as two other soldiers were killed,[3]

In September, 2002 a Merkava II tank was blown up by a mine near the Kissufim crossing leading to the death of one soldier and the wounding of three others. Apparently the tank commander was blown out the turret hatch but landed unharmed.[4][5]

In February 15, 2003, a tank went over another roadside bomb near the settlement of Dugit, killing all its four crewmen. According to Palestinian sources the tank was a Merkava[6] but according to Israeli sources the destroyed tank was a Magach 7, a rebuilt Patton tank.[7]

In May 2004, two M113 APC:s were blown up while transporting explosives used for destroying Palestinian tunnels under the Palestinian-Egyptian border fence. On May 11, an APC went over a road-side bomb, killing its entire crew of six soldiers. The next day a second APC exploded after being hit by an RPG grenade. Three soldiers were wounded in the incident.[8][9]

On June 25, 2006, seven Palestinian fighters belonging to Hamas, Popular Resistance Committees and Army of Islam entered Israeli territory near Rafah through a 400 meter long tunnel dug under the border fence. The Palestinians opened simultaneous fire on a Merkava tank, an empty APC and a watchtower. Both the tank and the APC were hit by RPG grenades in the rear exit hatch and were penetrated and destroyed. Two of the tank’s crewmen were killed and a third was wounded. The fourth, tank gunner Cpl. Gilad Shalit, was lightly wounded and captured. Two of the Palestinian attackers were killed in the incident while the rest could return to the Gaza strip with their prisoner. Three soldiers in the watchtower were wounded in the incident.[10]

Israeli fatalities

Feb 14, 2002 (Karni-Netzarim road)

Mar 14, 2002 (Karni-Netzarim road)

(Two soldiers were injured)

Sept 5, 2002 (Kissufim Crossing)

(Three soldiers were wounded)

Feb 15, 2003 (Dugit)

May 11, 2004

May 12, 2004

June 25, 2006 (Between the Kerem Shalom and Sufa crossings)

(Tank gunner Cpl. Gilad Shalit was abducted, and four others were wounded)


  1. ^ "Israel investigates Gaza tank blast". BBC. 15 February, 2002. Retrieved 2011-11-10. 
  2. ^ JAMES BENNET (February 15, 2002). "Arabs Deploy New Explosive Against Tank; 3 Israelis Die". New York Times. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  3. ^ "St-Sgt Matan Biderman". 14 Mar 2002. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  4. ^ Tamara Traubman and Tsahar Rotem (September 5, 2002). "IDF officer killed in shooting attack in northern Gaza Strip". Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  5. ^ "Sgt. Aviad Dotan". Sept 5, 2002. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  6. ^ "Gaza bomb kills four Israeli soldiers". BBC. 18 February, 2003. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  7. ^ "Soldiers Killed in Bomb Attacks Against Tank". 2/16/2003. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  8. ^ Amnon Barzilai (17.05.2004). "IDF urged to scrap APCs for transporting explosives". Haaretz. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  9. ^ Amnon Barzilai (21.05.2004). "Protection money". Haaretz. Retrieved Dec 28 2011. 
  10. ^ Shay, Shaul: Islamic terror abductions in the Middle East, Sussex Academic Press, 2007, p.156
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x "Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism since September 2000". Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved Dec 28 2011.