Dental anesthesiology

Dental anesthesiology (or dental anaesthesiology) is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the management of pain through the use of advanced local and general anesthesia techniques.


Australia and New Zealand

Dental anesthesiology requires an extra 24 to 36 months of postgraduate training after completion of a degree in dentistry which usually culminates in a graduate diploma of clinical dentistry (GradDipClinDent). Graduates are eligible for Fellowship with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FANZCA).

United States and Canada

Dental anesthesiology training is usually 24 to 36 months in length and accredited and overseen by CODA. The American Dental Board of Anesthesiology examines and certifies dentists who complete an accredited program of anesthesiology training in the United States or Canada. Dentists may then apply for Board Certification through the ADBA which requires ongoing and continual post-graduate education for maintenance.[1]1

Most programs train dental school residents alongside their medical school resident counterparts. Due to the fact that dental and medical anesthesia are the same processes, residents are not differentiated during training as dental or medical. Most programs expect at least one year of hospital experience before considering an applicant due to limited exposure of the dental student to internal medicine and hospital culture in dental school. Training covers the full gamut of surgery and is not limited to dental procedures. Residents provide anesthesia for pediatric, medically complex, special needs, geriatric, and psychiatric involved patients. Following completion of any accredited program the dental anesthesiologist is eligible for both the ASDA and ASA boards.

There are 9 programs in the United States. They include : 1. Pittsburgh University 2. Loma Linda University 3. UCLA 4. The Ohio State University 5. Stony Brook University 6. Wyckoff Medical Center 7. St. Barnabas 8. Lutheran Medical Center 9. Jacobi Medical Center 10. Indiana University*

With so few programs it is extremely competitive as a specialization. Currently the field is one of the most lucrative of all health professions. Dental anesthesiologists may practice privately or in a hospital but average salaries are much higher in the private sector.

As of June 1st, 2011, the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists has submitted an application to the American Dental Association in order to recognize Dental Anesthesiology as a specialty within the practice of dentistry.

See also

External links