Densely defined operator

In mathematics — specifically, in operator theory — a densely defined operator is a type of partially defined function; in a topological sense, it is a linear operator that is defined "almost everywhere". Densely defined operators often arise in functional analysis as operations that one would like to apply to a larger class of objects than those for which they a priori "make sense".


A linear operator T from one topological vector space, X, to another one, Y, is said to be densely defined if the domain of T is a dense subset of X and the range of T is contained within Y.


(\mathrm{D} u)(x) = u'(x) \,
is a densely-defined operator from C0([0, 1]; R) to itself, defined on the dense subspace C1([0, 1]; R). Note also that the operator D is an example of an unbounded linear operator, since
u_n (x) = e^{- n x} \,
\frac{\| \mathrm{D} u_n \|_{\infty}}{\| u_n \|_\infty} = n.
This unboundedness causes problems if one wishes to somehow continuously extend the differentiation operator D to the whole of C0([0, 1]; R).
