Demographics of Ontario

Estimated population of Ontario : 13,069,200 (2009 est)

Percentage of National Population : 38.7%

Population growth rate per year: 1.0%

See: Demographics of Canada

Source: Statistics Canada[1]


Vital statistics

Birth Rate: 10.8/1,000 people [2]

Death Rate: 7.1/1,000 people [3]

Life Expectancy at birth: 81 years (2006 est) [4]

Infant Mortality rate: 5.2 (2007 est) [5]

Source: Statistics Canada

Urban and rural population of Ontario since 1851

Year Population Urban Population Rural Population %
1851 952,004 133,463 818,541 14 86
1861 1,396,091 258,192 1,137,899 18 82
1871 1,620,851 355,997 1,264,854 22 78
1881 1,926,922 575,848 1,351,074 30 70
1891 2,114,321 818,998 1,295,323 39 61
1901 2,182,947 935,978 1,246,969 43 57
1911 2,527,292 1,328,489 1,198,803 53 47
1921 2,933,662 1,706,632 1,227,030 58 42
1931 3,431,683 2,095,992 1,335,691 61 39
1941 3,787,655 2,338,633 1,449,022 62 38
1951 4,597,542 3,251,099 1,346,443 71 29
1956 5,404,933 4,102,919 1,302,014 76 24
1961 6,236,092 4,823,529 1,412,563 77 23
1966 6,960,870 5,593,440 1,367,430 80 20
1971 7,703,105 6,343,630 1,359,480 82 18
1976 8,264,465 6,708,520 1,555,945 81 19
1981 8,625,107 7,047,032 1,578,075 82 18
1986 9,101,695 7,469,420 1,632,275 82 18
1991 10,084,885 8,253,842 1,831,043 82 18
1996 10,753,573 8,958,741 1,794,832 83 17
2001 11,410,046 9,662,547 1,747,499 85 15
2006 12,160,282 10,351,135 1,809,147 85 15

Source: Statistics Canada [6]

Age structure

Age Groups Total Male Female
0–4 years 671,250 343,340 327,910
5–9 years 772,650 396,385 376,265
10–14 years 788,845 404,970 383,880
15–24 years 1,487,835 754,565 733,270
25–34 years 1,558,495 760,695 797,800
35–44 years 1,959,520 963,840 995,680
45–54 years 1,635,280 801,540 833,735
55–64 years 1,064,000 520,570 543,430
65–74 years 818,170 383,625 434,540
75–84 years 503,930 202,270 301,665
85 years and over 150,075 45,260 104,810
Total 11,410,045 5,577,055 5,832,990

Source : Statistics Canada [7]

Visible Minorities and Aboriginals

Ontario 2006 Population  % of Group  % of Total Population
Visible minority group
Source: [2]
South Asian 794,170 28.9 6.6
Chinese 576,980 21.0 4.8
Black 473,765 17.3 3.9
Filipino 203,220 7.4 1.7
Latin American 147,135 5.4 1.2
Southeast Asian 110,045 4.0 0.9
Others 439,890 16.0 3.7
Total Visible Minorities 2,745,205 100 22.8
Aboriginal Group
Source: [3]
North American Indian 158,395 65.3 1.3
Métis 73,605 30.4 0.6
Inuit 2,035 0.8 0
Total Aboriginal Identity Population 242,495 100 2.0
Not A Visible Minority or Aboriginal 9,041,195 75.2
Total population 12,028,895 100

Ethnic groups


Ethnic Responses %
Total population 12,028,895 100
English 2,971,360 24.7
Canadian 2,768,870 23.0
Scottish 2,101,100 17.5
Irish 1,988,940 16.5
French 1,351,600 11.2
German 1,144,560 9.5
Italian 867,980 7.2
Chinese 644,465 5.4
East Indian 573,250 4.8
Dutch (Netherlands) 490,995 4.1
Polish 465,560 3.9
Ukrainian 336,355 2.8
North American Indian 317,890 2.6
Portuguese 282,870 2.4
Filipino 215,750 1.8
British, not included
205,755 1.7
Jamaican 197,540 1.6
Welsh 182,825 1.5
Jewish 177,255 1.5
Russian 167,365 1.4
Hungarian (Magyar) 151,750 1.3
Spanish 149,160 1.2
Greek 132,440 1.1
American (USA) 113,050 0.9
Pakistani 91,160 0.8
Métis 87,090 0.7
Sri Lankan 85,935 0.7
Vietnamese 83,330 0.7
Romanian 80,710 0.7
African, not included elsewhere 75,500 0.6
Finnish 72,990 0.6
Korean 72,065 0.6
Croatian 71,380 0.6
Iranian 70,590 0.6

Note: The graph takes dual responses (for example if someone is French-Canadian he/she would be added to both French and Canadian) thus the graph does not add up to 100%. Some places of ones ethnic origin do refer to a single specified country of origin, i.e. Spanish refers to people from Spanish speaking countries such as Colombia, Argentina, Cuba and others; or East Indian where the respondents origin could be from Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, etc.; and the list contains about 200 nationalities known to reside in the province. However, there are options for the respondent to identify the country alone.

Ontario is a very diverse province. For example, 42.8% of the population of Toronto was born outside Canada,[8] which is the second-largest percentage of immigrants in a single city on Earth, after Miami. Hamilton is ranked the third-most diverse urbanized area in Canada (after Toronto and Vancouver).

Religious groups

Canadian Christian bodies
Religion People %
Total 11,285,535 100
Protestant 3,935,745 34.9
Catholic 3,911,760 34.7
No Religion 1,841,290 16.3
Muslim 352,530 3.1
Other Christians 301,935 2.7
Christian Orthodox 264,055 2.3
Hindu 217,555 1.9
Jewish 190,795 1.7
Buddhist 128,320 1.1
Sikh 104,785 0.9
Eastern Religions 17,780 0.2
Other Religions 18,985 0.2

Source: Statistics Canada [9]

City Metropolitan Areas

City 2006 postcensal estimate 2001 Census Population
Toronto 5,406,300 4,883,800
Ottawa-Gatineau 1,158,300 1,102,900
Hamilton 716,200 689,200
London 465,700 449,600
Kitchener-Waterloo 463,600 431,300
St. Catharines-Niagara 396,800 391,700
Oshawa 344,400 308,500
Windsor 332,100 320,800
Greater Sudbury 162,000 155,601
Kingston 155,000 146,838
Thunder Bay 125,400 126,600

Source: Statistics Canada [10]

See also

Demographics of Canada's provinces and territories. Click on the Province Hyperlink to see the Demographics of that province.


  1. ^ Population information of Canada and its provinces and territories
  2. ^ Birth rates of Canada and its provinces and territories
  3. ^ Death rates of Canada and its provinces and territories
  4. ^ Life expectancy of Canada and its provinces
  5. ^ Infant mortality information of Canada and its provinces and territories
  6. ^ Rural and Urban population changes since 1851 for Ontario
  7. ^ Statistics profile for Ontario
  8. ^ Visible minorities of Toronto.
  9. ^ Religious diversity information for Ontario
  10. ^ Information on population for Canada's biggest CMAs note that it can be inaccurate]