Death of Rebecca Zahau

Rebecca Mawii Zahau was a 32-year-old woman discovered dead on July 13, 2011, in a historic mansion in Coronado, California. Initial reports described her as being hanged to death while unclothed, with her hands bound behind her back and feet bound together. The estate, known as the Spreckels Mansion, was owned by her live-in boyfriend, Medicis Pharmaceutical CEO Jonah Shacknai.

Zahau's death occurred two days after Shacknai's 6-year-old son Max took an ultimately fatal fall from a staircase banister in the same mansion.[1] San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore announced on September 2, 2011 that Zahau's death was a suicide while the younger Shacknai's was an accident, and that neither was the result of foul play.[2] Members of Zahau's family dispute the contention that her death was suicide.[3]



Rebecca Zahau (born March 15, 1979),[4] also known as Rebecca Nalepa, was of Burmese immigrant origin. She was born in Falam, Chin State, a town in the Chin Hills in northwestern Burma, to her father Khua Hnin Thang and mother Zung Tin Par (also known as Pari). She came from a family of Chin ethnicity and was raised as a Protestant.[5] She moved to Nepal and then Germany. She moved to the United States about 10 years before her death.[6][7] Her parents and most family members live in Saint Joseph, Missouri.[7] She had an older sister, Mary Zahau-Loehner, a younger sister, Snowem Horwath, who lives in Germany, and a teenage sister, Xena Zahau, among other siblings.[8][9] She was married to Neil Nalepa of Scottsdale, Arizona, but their marriage ended by divorce in February 2011, and in May 2011 she returned to using her maiden name Zahau.[6][10] She began dating Shacknai in 2008, while still married to Nalepa. She worked as an ophthalmic technician until December 2010. Her former boss stated that she had left her job voluntarily to spend more time with Shacknai and his children.[6] She had a Weimaraner dog who lived with her and Shacknai.[10][11]

Jonah Shacknai, the 54-year old CEO of Medicis Pharmaceutical,[6] was born in Suffern, NY, lived in Arizona but often took vacations with his family to the Coronado mansion. His position made him Arizona's ninth-highest-paid CEO, earning $6.4 million in 2010. He had been married twice. His first marriage to Kimberly James resulted in a divorce and a three-year custody battle between 1998 and 2001 involving the couple's two children from that marriage.[12][13] He would go on to have a son, Maxfield Aaron Shacknai ("Max," named for his grandfather was born June 7, 2005), with second wife Dina Romano. The couple also had a German Shepherd Dog.[13] However, Shacknai and Romano's marriage ended in divorce in Maricopa County, Arizona.[10][12][13]

The historic Coronado residence owned by Shacknai, the Spreckels Mansion, was built in 1908. It has a 27-room main building as well as a separate guest house and is estimated to be worth $12.7 million.[14] The estate is located at 1043 Ocean Boulevard, down the street from the Hotel del Coronado.[4][15] Shacknai moved into it in 2007. Its name refers to the family who owned the Spreckels Sugar Company. It is one of two mansions built in California by the Spreckels family. Novelist Danielle Steele lives in the second mansion, located in San Francisco. It is a mix of Renaissance and Beaux-Arts architectural styles.[15]

Deaths and initial investigation


On July 11, Zahau and Max Shacknai were at the Spreckels Mansion along with Zahau's teenage sister Xena when Max fell over a second-floor banister down onto the carpet below.[16] Max was often known to play around on the stairs and banisters. Investigators speculate he may have tripped over a ball or the dog. He fell face-first, suffering injuries to his spinal cord and facial bones, the former of which affected his heart rate and breathing. Zahau was in the bathroom at the time; she found Max moments later, and her younger sister called 911. Max was not breathing and unresponsive, and was taken to Rady Children's Hospital.[6] After Max's fall, Zahau made arrangements to board her dog at a local kennel.[10] Max died on July 16 due to brain damage caused by oxygen deprivation resulting from his injuries.[6] By July 26, investigators had ruled his death an accident.[12] However, a trauma doctor who examined Max prior to his death and autopsy stated to police that he did not believe Max's visible injuries from his fall were consistent with the cardiac arrest and brain swelling experienced by him, and suggested that Max may have suffocated prior to his fall.[16][17]

On July 12, the day before her death, Zahau went to the airport to drop off her 13-year old sister for her flight back to Missouri, and then picked up Shacknai's brother Adam Shacknai, who had just arrived on a flight from Memphis.[18] Zahau and Adam Shacknai ate dinner with Jonah Shacknai and his friend Howard that evening, and then returned to the mansion.[19] Adam Shacknai stayed at the mansion that night.[10] There were reports of loud music coming from the mansion that evening.[11][14] Jonah Shacknai himself was not present that night, as he was keeping a vigil at Max's bedside with Max's mother Dina Romano; he would leave the hospital to recuperate at a nearby Ronald McDonald House.[6][19] Adam Shacknai stated that he found Zahau nude, hanging from a balcony, with her wrists and ankles bound, at roughly 6:45 AM on the morning of July 13.[10][11] He called 911 at 6:48 AM, and then sent a text message to his brother to inform him of the news.[18][19] He cut the body down prior to police's arrival.[19][20]

Zahau was gagged with a blue, long sleeve T-shirt wrapped around her head with the sleeves double knotted and stuffed into her mouth. There was also what appeared to be tape residue on her legs.[21] Medics attempted to revive her, but pronounced her dead at the scene.[22] The police initiated forensic and toxicology testing on her body as part of an autopsy to determine the cause of death. She was buried at St. Joseph's Memorial Park in St. Joseph, Missouri on July 23.[23] Speculations of foul play began early on in the case; however, investigators were unable to find any other DNA at the scene besides Zahau's.[24] On September 2, the San Diego County Sheriff's Department formally announced their finding that Zahau committed suicide.[25]


As part of their investigation, police served Verizon and AT&T with search warrants to obtain cellphone billing records, and took Zahau's Samsung Focus cellphone as evidence.[19][26] According to Zahau's AT&T cellphone billing records, from roughly 8 p.m. until 10 p.m., Zahau talked and texted with her older sister Mary Zahau-Loehner. At 10:48 p.m., Zahau received a text from Nina Romano, the twin sister of Shacknai's ex-wife Dina Romano. Nina Romano, also a Coronado resident, stated that she wanted to stop by the mansion and speak with Zahau about Max's accident. Zahau did not reply to that message. Police said she checked her voicemail a few hours later, at 12:50 a.m. on July 13, and listened to a message. Billing records do not show who left that message. Police stated it was a message regarding the worsening of Max's condition, but declined to confirm who left the message. Mary Zahau-Loehner stated that police told her it was from Jonah Shacknai. The message was deleted, meaning that police and Zahau's family never heard the contents of the message.[18]

Because of evidence management concerns, San Diego County Sheriff's Department investigators initially did not attempt to power up the phone or operate it, fearing that they might overwrite evidence contained in its memory. Instead, they tried to determine whether forensic software was available which would allow them to examine that model of phone. On August 15, unable to identify any such technology, a detective turned on the phone and conducted a manual search of it, finding that the voicemail message was not stored on the phone.[9] They did not request that AT&T try to retrieve the deleted message from its servers.[26] Later, on September 21, a homicide investigator with the department announced that they would be searching it again, using what they described as "new technology" to copy the phone's data for further investigation. Because Zahau's cellphone was a newer model that investigators were not familiar with, they had previously been unsure what software they could use to accomplish this task.[27] In early October, investigators completed their second examination of the cellphone. They stated that they did not uncover any additional information and would soon return the phone to Zahau's family.[28]

Other evidence considered

Zahau's autopsy results would reveal four instances of head trauma.[21] Investigators and outside commentators expressed various theories regarding the head injuries. San Diego Medical Examiner Jonathan Lucas stated that "because there was evidence that she went over the balcony in a non-vertical position, she may have struck her head on the balcony on the way down." Werner Spitz, an expert witness who testified during the trial of Casey Anthony, said it was a possibility, stating, "When the body first dropped, she doesn't necessarily jump to her death, so she would drop directly downward and she could easily hit against the side of the structure from which she is hanging." However, he noted that the case was not "cut-and-dried" and that to draw stronger conclusions he would have preferred to see what the body looked like before the wrist bindings were removed. Forensic consultant and doctor of criminal psychology Maurice Godwin expressed doubt, stating, "The chances of bumping into the railing, going over the balcony and hitting your head four times is highly unlikely."[20]

Family members expressed suspicions that Zahau's hands and feet were bound. In an interview about a week after the incident, San Diego county sheriff Roy Frank stated, "There are documentations of incidents throughout the country where people have secured their feet and hands as well to commit suicide," to prevent themselves from changing their minds.[29] Police re-enacted the scenario in an effort to determine whether it would have been possible for Zahau to bind herself in that fashion, and showed a video demonstration in which a woman wrapped a rope around her hands several times in front of her, slipped one hand out of the binding, then placed her hands behind her back, rebound them, and tightened the bindings with the aid of a string similar to the one which police found in Zahau's hands.[6][30]

A black message had been painted on the door of the room leading to the balcony below police found Zahau's body; according to Zahau's ex-husband Nalepa, it read "She saved him, can he save her." but officials declined to confirm this.[6] In media comments, Sheriff Gore only stated that it was "not a clear suicide note"; however, investigators took it as further evidence of suicide. Zahau liked to paint as a hobby and had signed her paintings in the past; her siblings contended that the message did not match her handwriting.[31] Nalepa also stated the note "did not appear to be something [Zahau] would have written."[6]


Public and media

The deaths drew intense public and media scrutiny.[7] On July 14, Medicis had its sharpest one-day decline in stock price since February.[11] News of the death and investigation received international coverage in various countries including Brazil, New Zealand, Finland, Spain, and the United Kingdom throughout July and August.[32][33][34][35][36] In early September, various Forbes writers, including true crime writer Cathy Scott and lawyer Victoria Pynchon, expressed doubts about the investigators' conclusions; Pynchon described the ruling as an "embarrassing public blunder".[37][38] The Daily Beast published a column by trial lawyer Roy Black, in which he criticized "half-baked theories" about Zahau's death, in particular stating of the lack of DNA evidence: "How could anyone do all this without leaving behind a scintilla of microscopic evidence? They would have to have been wearing a full rubber suit or some type of space suit and levitated over the scene." He called on the media and public to "stop calling it murder."[39][40] On September 19, it was reported that local Coronado author Kathleen McKenna would be writing a book on the case; McKenna expressed doubts that Zahau's death was a suicide.[41]


People close to Zahau expressed doubt that she would have committed suicide. Zahau's elder sister said in an interview that "I still believe my sister didn't take her life", and in a written statement on behalf of the family wrote that "Rebecca valued her life and lived her life to its fullest. Rebecca loved God, her family and life."[10] Her younger sister commented more strongly by e-mail, "Becky did not commit suicide. My sister was murdered."[8] Her former trainer also stated that "She was always happy [and] always smiling when she came in. I didn't see a problem or anything like that."[22] Family members disputed police characterizations of Zahau as depressed, describing her instead that as a happy person. Furthermore, they state that Zahau believed as a Christian that suicide was wrong.[42][43] After the suicide ruling, Neil Nalepa was quoted as stating "I would not believe Rebecca would commit suicide. It’s out of character." However, Sheriff Bill Gore, who investigated the death, stated of the family's reluctance to accept the suicide ruling, "We laid out the case extensively to them in Missouri to answer their questions, and it’s unfortunate she can't accept the results."[6] On September 7, the family launched a website seeking donations to fund their own investigation into Zahau's death. The site states: "It was obvious that the Sheriff’s Department had worked too hard to paint this picture of suicide and they were not about to let the Zahaus ruin it."[44] In late September, they continued to demand that the case be re-opened. In early November 2011 the web site no longer accepted donations and had changed focus to be solely a source of any new information about the case.[45]

On September 20, Jonah Shacknai wrote a letter to California Attorney General Kamala Harris requesting a state review of the investigation. Shacknai himself did not doubt the findings of investigations, but stated that he hoped a review would bring "confidence, comfort, and resolution" to others close to Zahau.[46][47] However, chief assistant attorney general Dana Gillette replied the following day, stating that "we must decline your invitation to review this investigation at this time ... If at any time there is new substantive evidence bearing on this case, it should be presented, not in tabloid form to fuel rumor and innuendo, but rather to appropriate law enforcement authorities who may determine whether further investigation is warranted."[48] On September 30, family members appeared on NBC Today and called not just for a review but a complete independent investigation by the state Attorney General's office. Doug Loehner, husband of Zahau's sister Mary-Zahau Loehner and himself a police officer, also expressed his desire to obtain a copy of the police reports relating to Zahau's death.[49]

Lawyers and public relations personnel

Zahau's family hired attorney Anne Bremner of Seattle to represent them.[6] Bremner expressed derision at the medical examiner's conclusions, stating ""This would be the first case in the history of the world that a woman killed herself like this ... It's ridiculous on the face of it."[3] Dan K. Webb of Winston & Strawn LLP, a lawyer for Shacknai, alleges that other statements of Bremner's imply that Shacknai used his wealth and profile to improperly influence the probe into Zahau's death. He sent a cease and desist letter to Bremner warning her that certain statements of hers constituted defamation, as well as being "highly insensitive on a human level" and contributing to "the harsh and unkind glare of a national media frenzy."[50] However, Jim Edwards of CBS BNET suggested it was unlikely that Shacknai would actually sue, as it would simply bring more publicity to the case; he expected that the situation effectively "leaves the Zahau family to continue their claims unchallenged."[24]

Shacknai also hired public relations firm Sitrick and Company to represent him the week after Zahau's death.[51] In response to media inquiries, a Sitrick and Company employee stated that Shacknai had hired the firm to handle his large volume of incoming calls in the days after the deaths, to give him time to grieve and make arrangements for the funerals.[52] Sitrick and Company executives later held discussions with journalists whom they believe had made errors in their reporting on the case.[51] Forbes writer Victoria Pynchon expressed consternation that Sitrick and Company employees had viewed her LinkedIn profile.[53]


  1. ^ "Girlfriend, son die days apart at tycoon's Calif. mansion", CBS News, 2011-07-16,;contentBody, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  2. ^ Loftus, Peter (2011-09-02), "Health industry: Death Of Medicis CEO's Girlfriend Ruled a Suicide", Wall Street Journal,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  3. ^ a b Welch, William M.; Leger, Donna Leinwand (2011-09-02), "Coronado mansion death called suicide; family objects", USA Today,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  4. ^ a b Case Number: 11-01542: Maxfield Aaron Shacknai; Case Number 11-01517: Rebecca Mawii Zahau, Press Releases, County of San Diego,, retrieved 2011-09-10 
  5. ^ Manson, Bill (2011-09-14), "The True Heart of Rebecca Zahau", San Diego Reader,, retrieved 2011-09-16 
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Davis, Kristina; Littlefield, Dana; Repart, Pauline (2011-09-02), "Shacknai, family speak out on mansion suicide ruling", San Diego Union-Tribune,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  7. ^ a b c Welch, William M. (2011-07-27), "Woman's hanging investigated in Coronado, Calif.", USA Today,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  8. ^ a b Graham, Marty (2011-09-09), "Family dispute cause of drug company CEO girlfriend's death", Reuters,, retrieved 2011-09-10 
  9. ^ a b Gotfredson, David (2011-09-25), "Family attorney releases 200 pages of Zahau's phone records", KFMB 760 News,, retrieved 2011-09-25 
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Baker, Debbi; Davis, Kristina; Schmidt, Steve (2011-07-14), "Suicide or homicide? Mansion death still undetermined", San Diego Union-Tribune,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  11. ^ a b c d "Mysterious Deaths at Spreckels Mansion: 'Loud Party' the Day After Max Shacknai's Accident", International Business Times, 2011-07-18,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  12. ^ a b c "Police Called To Shacknai, Ex-Wife Homes 13 Times Since 2008", KPBS News, 2011-07-26,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  13. ^ a b c Martinez, Edecio (2011-07-20), "Exec, wife had stormy past before son died, say police", CBS News,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  14. ^ a b Shahid, Aliya (2011-07-15), "Rebecca Nalepa, girlfriend of Medicis CEO Jonah Shacknai, found hanging dead in California mansion", New York Daily News,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  15. ^ a b "Two Mysterious Deaths in a Millionaire's Mansion", People Magazine, 2011-07-21,,,20512077,00.html, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  16. ^ a b Jacob, Jijo (2011-09-23), "Max Shacknai's Doctor Says Boy's Fall Injuries Inconsistent with Cause of Death", International Business Times,, retrieved 2011-09-25 
  17. ^ Hamada, Matt (2011-09-23), "New documents question whether Max Shacknai suffocated before fall", KPHO News,, retrieved 2011-09-25 
  18. ^ a b c Gotfredson, David (2011-09-16), "Records reveal final cell phone calls to Rebecca Zahau", KFMB 760 News,, retrieved 2011-09-16 
  19. ^ a b c d e "Coronado mansion search warrants unsealed", CBS News, 2011-09-21,, retrieved 2011-09-22 
  20. ^ a b Caron, Christina (2011-09-07), "Rebecca Zahau's Death a Ritualistic Killing?", ABC News,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  21. ^ a b "Rebecca Zahau Death: Autopsy Reveals Unexplained Head Trauma, Attorney", International Business Times, 2011-09-07,, retrieved 2011-09-10 
  22. ^ a b "Former Trainer Remembers Woman Found Dead In Mansion; Reed Holman At Hollywood Fitness Spoke With Rebecca Zahau Days Before Her Death", 10 News, 2011-07-17,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  23. ^ "Zahau's sister speaks out about her family's tragic loss", CBS News, 2011-07-26,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  24. ^ a b Edwards, Jim (2011-09-20), "Cellphone Records Leave Medicis’ Shacknai Stuck in Catch-22", CBS BNET,, retrieved 2011-09-21 
  25. ^ "SD sheriff says mansion death was suicide", ABC News, 2011-09-02,, retrieved 2011-09-20 
  26. ^ a b Gotfredson, David (2011-09-22), "Sheriff launches forensic exam of Zahau’s cell phone; new witness accounts reported", CBS News,, retrieved 2011-09-23 
  27. ^ "Rebecca Zahau's phone to be re-examined", San Diego Union Tribune, 2011-09-21,, retrieved 2011-09-23 
  28. ^ "Investigators Finish 2nd Review Of Zahau Cellphone; Extended Probe Does Not Uncover New Information, Investigators Say", 10 News, 2011-10-05,, retrieved 2011-10-07 
  29. ^ Mann, Camille (2011-07-21), "Police looking for answers in mysterious Calif. mansion deaths", CBS News,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  30. ^ Gotfredson, David (2011-09-14), "Questions linger in Coronado mansion hanging death", KFMB News,, retrieved 2011-09-16 
  31. ^ Caron, Christina (2011-09-02), "Coronado Mansion Victim Rebecca Zahau Painted Message on Door", ABC News,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
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  37. ^ "Billionaire's Girlfriend's Last Note Inconsistent with Suicide", Forbes, 2011-09-06,, retrieved 2011-09-23 
  38. ^ Pynchon, Victoria (2011-09-08), "A Lesson in Saving Face: Zahau Case Will Reopen if New Lead", Forbes,, retrieved 2011-09-10 
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  40. ^ Vigil, Jennifer (2011-09-10), "Prominent Attorney Weighs in on Zahau Case", Patch Media,, retrieved 2011-09-12 
  41. ^ "Many Questioning Zahau Suicide Conclusion", 10 News, 2011-09-19,, retrieved 2011-09-20 
  42. ^ Rowe, Peter (2011-09-03), "Officials sure "bizarre" case a suicide; family unconvinced", San Diego Union-Tribune,, retrieved 2011-09-16 
  43. ^ "Zahau Family Urges Police to Re-Open Case", San Diego 6 News, 2011-09-07,, retrieved 2011-09-16 
  44. ^ Baker, Debbi (2011-09-08), "Zahau family seeking donations for investigation", San Diego Union-Tribune,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  45. ^ "Rebecca Zahau's Family Demands Case be Reopened", ABC News, 2011-09-19,, retrieved 2011-09-19 
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  48. ^ Martinez, Michael; Hanna, Jason (2011-09-22), "California won't probe deaths of millionaire's son, girlfriend", CNN,, retrieved 2011-09-23 
  49. ^ Stickney, R. (2011-09-30), "Rebecca Zahau's Family Wants State to Investigate Coronado Mansion Death", NBC San Diego,, retrieved 2011-10-02 
  50. ^ Caron, Christina (2011-09-08), "Rebecca Zahau’s Boyfriend Warns He Might Sue Her Family’s Lawyer", ABC News,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  51. ^ a b Edwards, Jim (2011-09-08), "CEO Shacknai Wields Small Army Against Speculation on Death of His Girlfriend", CBS BNET,, retrieved 2011-09-09 
  52. ^ "Coronado Mansion Owner Hires PR Firm", 10 News, 2011-07-20,, retrieved 2011-09-10 
  53. ^ Pynchon, Victoria (2011-09-25), "Money, Mystery, Murder(?) in Spreckels Mansion Case", Forbes,, retrieved 2011-09-27