is an Indian web site on world cinema that focuses on film festivals, art-house cinema, independent and short films.It was founded by Bikas Mishra and launched in February 2007. The site is run by privately held private limited, a company registered under Companies Act, 1956. was nominated for the hottest startup award, organized by TATA NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) in 2008. According to the official TATA NEN website, " is the only Indian portal that provides information, reviews on newly created niche entertainment segment 'world cinema"[1]
According to leading Indian weekly "Outlook Money", "The site covers all major film festivals in India and abroad and provides news, views and reviews about world cinema." was featured in the June 17th issue of the magazine in a special story that covered 30 Indian businesses which were started with a capital less than INR 500,000[2]
European Union portal on Cinema Cineuropa features in its partner list, where it has been described as ", is a popular Indian webmagazine dedicated to promotion of "world cinema". It provides news, reviews and relevant information about European, Asian, African, Latin American and American films and film festivals. Contributors from all over the world run this website and it's widely followed by cinephiles all over the world."[3]