David Strom

David Strom (born 1964) is currently Research Director at the Emmer for Governor Campaign. Until recently he was a Senior Policy Fellow of the Minnesota Free Market Institute. He was formerly President of the Institute, succeeded by Patricia Anderson. Prior to the formation of MFMI, David served as President of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota. Both organizations are primarily funded through large donations by individuals and corporations.

Strom graduated from Carleton College (1987) in Northfield, MN, with a degree in Political Science and holds a Masters Degree in Political Science from Duke University (1992). He has taught political philosophy at Duke University, North Carolina State University, Carleton College, and the University of St. Thomas.

Strom is a Fellow at the Claremont Institute, a nearly regular, bi-weekly, contributor to the local ABC affiliate’s Sunday morning news program At Issue 3-5 minute "face-off" segment in which he spars with an opponent of an opposing political view.

Strom hosted a weekly radio show on WWTC's "AM 1280 The Patriot" called "The David Strom Show"[1] which is part of a live, local Saturday lineup including The Northern Alliance Radio Network He blogs at his radio show website. Strom has successfully made great efforts to appear as a public spokesman on policy in broadcast media and is often quoted.

In recent years, the fiscally Conservative but not libertarian Strom believes he has "been best known as a consistent conservative voice, taking both Democrats and Republicans to task when their actions conflict with the [stated]* limited-government vision of the Taxpayers League." While at first seen as an intemperate voice from the right, Strom and his supporters believe Strom has been more recently seen as "simply a forceful advocate for his position."

In 2004, when he was still President of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota, Strom was named Minnesota’s “Best Villain”[2] by City Pages, an alternative weekly newspaper based in Minneapolis.


  1. ^ http://www.davidstromshow.com The David Strom Show
  2. ^ Craig Westover: COLUMN - Putting a human face on the Twin Cities' best 'villain'