Dave and Chuck "The Freak" is the name of self-titled radio morning show that broadcasts on weekdays from 5am to 10am on CIMX-FM (89X) in Windsor, Ontario. The show is hosted by David Hunter, Charles (Chuck "The Freak") Erkhart, and Lisa Way. Metromix named it Detroit's Best Morning Show in 2010, coming in first place in Detroit's highly-competitive daytime radio scene, most notably against the famous WRIF morning show Drew and Mike.[1]
The show, which first started airing April 18, 2001, consists of several named segments in which the trio introduces a subject of discussion and takes calls from the listeners, plays games with them, informs them about current events and news, and updates them on the weather and traffic. The show is best known for the moral dilemmas and raunchy/controversial topics (often related to abnormal sexual behavior) discussed with the listeners, the unique personalities of the radio hosts, Chuck's often-ridiculous shenanigans, and their many funny segments and running gags.
The show has begun to expand its audience outside of the Detroit/Windsor area due to the availability of podcasts and a mobile app for the iPhone and BlackBerry.
In recent years, it has gained a significant amount of publicity from its arguably-offensive advertising campaign[2] and the uproar of fans over the near-termination of its hosts due to an at-work joke taken too far.[3]
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The X Files is the show's celebrity gossip segment. Dave's forgetfulness about the day of the week resulted in him ending this segment with his other big sign-off line, which changes with the month. For example: "Those are the X-Files for whatever-the-hell day it is in March, 2012"[4]
Dave, Chuck and Lisa have noticed that bad luck tends to follow many celebrities around the time that they are on the show. They have concluded that there must be a curse associated with their morning show, and they have put out a warning on the radio to all celebrities to beware. They have even jokingly commented that they need to start inviting celebrities that they dislike to be on the show.
Examples include Dog the Bounty Hunter, Kevin Smith, John Hughes (filmmaker) (who died miles away in New York City during the one and only time he was ever talked about on the show), and most notably Gary Coleman, who had a seizure just minutes after being interviewed by them,[5] and was arrested for battery only days later.[6]
They also think that Dave has a death curse. Whenever he would talk about a celebrity and thought they were already dead(but in reality still alive) would die shortly after. Also Chuck and Lisa believe that whomever Dave blesses will also die.
In 2009/2010, complaints were filed by Detroit residents and the Detroit City Council in response to the show's advertising campaign, which featured billboards around Detroit and Windsor featuring the censored slogans "It's Friday B!#ches" and "P3n!s". Dave and Chuck have stated many times on their show that they do not agree that the billboards are in poor taste, and they will continue to display them. Online videos have been made by Detroit media companies satirizing the campaign against these billboards.