Dave Mercer

Dave Mercer is a Canadian professional angler, one of the best known anglers in Canada. He is the host of the Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing Mini-Series and the Dave Mercer's Facts of Fishing Television Series. Some of his main sponsors include Bass Pro Shops and Subway (restaurant).[1]

Facts of Fishing

At the age of 21, Dave Mercer approached a small yet growing TV station with a new concept in mind. Mercer didn't want to make a season of half hour shows. He wanted to make sixty second short clips giving various fishing techniques. His popularity boomed, which eventually led him to making a regular length TV show titled Facts of Fishing.[2]


  1. ^ "Facts of Fishing". Facts of Fishing. http://www.factsoffishing.com/index.php. Retrieved 2011-07-15. 
  2. ^ [1]

Dave began his show in April 2007. It has been running strong since.