DAD-IS is the acronym of the worldwide Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It is defined as "a communication and information tool" for the FAO's Management of Animal Genetic Resources programme.[1] It includes a searchable database of information about breeds, tools for management, and contacts for the National and Regional Coordinators for the programme.

Animal species

In August 2011 the database held 13878 breeds of 35 mammal and avian species, reported from 198 countries. Fish and bees are not included.

Farm animal breeds in DAD-IS database by FAO region
Africa Asia and Pacific Europe Latin America
and the Caribbean
Near and Middle
North America World
Alpaca 1 1 1 8 - - 11
Ass 26 32 54 25 47 5 189
Bactrian Camel - 6 4 - 6 - 16
Buffalo 5 120 16 21 12 - 174
Cassowary - 1 1 - - - 2
Cattle 600 560 948 648 184 92 3032
Chicken 278 454 1092 319 97 65 2305
Chilean Tinamou - - - - - 1 1
Deer 1 32 21 8 - 1 63
Dog 6 5 45 1 - - 57
Dromedary 26 12 1 - 58 - 97
Dromedary/ Bactrian Camel - - - - 1 - 1
Duck (domestic) 23 123 156 37 12 - 351
Duck (domestic)/ Muscovy duck 2 3 4 2 - - 11
Emu 1 2 1 1 - - 5
Goat 234 259 332 193 139 27 1184
Goose (domestic) 11 58 164 15 3 1 252
Guanaco - - - 3 - - 3
Guinea fowl 39 4 8 8 3 - 62
Guinea Pig 4 - - 15 - - 19
Horse 98 203 740 198 97 60 1396
Llama - - 1 8 - - 9
Muscovy duck 9 23 10 6 2 - 50
Nandu - - 1 2 - - 3
Ostrich 7 9 5 - 1 - 22
Partridge 2 8 3 - - - 13
Peacock - - - 1 - - 1
Pheasant - 7 5 6 - - 18
Pig 143 419 482 241 12 30 1327
Pigeon 6 17 32 8 9 - 72
Quail - 21 12 4 2 13 52
Rabbit 66 44 300 84 12 - 506
Sheep 273 345 1133 278 259 79 2367
Swallow - 1 - - - - 1
Turkey 11 19 86 21 17 21 175
Vicuña - - - 4 - - 4
Yak (domestic) - 22 2 - 3 - 27
Total 1872 2810 5660 2165 976 395 13878

See also

For the full list of horse breeds in the database, see List of horse breeds in DAD-IS.


  1. ^ "About". DAD-­IS, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.,ginfo. Retrieved April 2011.