D. F. Lewis

D. F. Lewis (born January 18, 1948, Walton-on-Naze, Essex) is an English author[1] who has had approximately 1,500 short fictions published in print from 1986 to 2000, some in hard-to-find outlets, others in literary journals such as Stand, Iron, Orbis, Panurge and London Magazine. Others have appeared in anthologies. From 2001 until 2010, he has been editor and publisher of the Nemonymous "megazanthus" of short fiction. In 2008, he was the first exponent of Real-Time Reviewing of books.



Lewis was born in Walton-on-Naze, Essex on January 18, 1948. He attended Lancaster University from 1966 to 1969, where he formed the Zeroist Group. He and his wife, Denise, have two children.

Literary awards

Partial bibliography

Book and chapbook publications

Magazine and anthology publications (abridged)

Edited and published by D.F. Lewis


  1. ^ Kliatt young adult paperback book guide. Kliatt Young Adult Paperback Book Guide. 1996. p. 14. http://books.google.com/books?id=_gvhAAAAMAAJ. 

External links