
C. capensis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Oxalidales
Family: Cunoniaceae
Genus: Cunonia

Cunonia alticola
Cunonia antholyza
Cunonia aoupiniensis
Cunonia atrorubens
Cunonia austrocaledonica
Cunonia balansae
Cunonia bernieri
Cunonia bullata
Cunonia capensis
Cunonia cardioptera
Cunonia celebica
Cunonia cerifera
Cunonia deplanchei
Cunonia engleriana
Cunonia lenormandii
Cunonia linearisepala
Cunonia macrophylla
Cunonia montana
Cunonia nervosa
Cunonia ouaiemensis
Cunonia pseudoverticilliata
Cunonia pterophylla
Cunonia pulchella
Cunonia purpurea
Cunonia rotundifolia
Cunonia rupicola
Cunonia schinziana
Cunonia varijuga
Cunonia veillardii

Cunonia is a genus of flowering plants, which includes several species of evergreen trees and shrubs. Some authors merge Weinmannia into Cunonia.

The genus has a disjunct distribution, with 25-30 species native to New Caledonia in the Pacific, and one lone species (Cunonia capensis) in Southern Africa.

Cunonia capensis, commonly known as the African red alder or Butterspoon Tree, is a small tree found along watercourses and in the afromontane forests of Southern Africa, ranging from the Western Cape of South Africa eastwards to Swaziland and southern Mozambique. It is grown as an ornamental in gardens for its attractive glossy foliage and its clusters of small, scented, white flowers.
The large stipules which enclose the growth tip are pressed together to form a spoon-like shape, giving the tree its common name of "Butterspoon Tree".
