Cryptantha is a genus of hairy plants in the borage family (Boraginaceae). Some of them are heterostylous.
Selected species
- Cryptantha abata: Abata Cryptantha, Dent-nut Catseye, Dentnut Cryptantha
- Cryptantha affinis: Slender Catseye, Common Cryptantha, Quill Cryptantha
- Cryptantha albida: New Mexico Catseye, New Mexico Cryptantha
- Cryptantha alpicola
- Cryptantha ambigua : Basin Cryptantha, Obscure Cryptanthra, Wilke's Cryptantha[1]
- Cryptantha angustifolia : Bristlelobe Cryptantha, Narrowleaf Pick-me-not, Panamint Catseye, Panamint Cryptantha, Narrow-leaved Cryptantha, Narrow-Leaved Popcorn Flower
- Cryptantha aperta : Grand Junction Cryptantha
- Cryptantha atwoodii : Atwood Catseye, Atwood's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha bakeri : Baker Catseye, Baker's Catseye, Baker's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha barbigera : Bearded Catseye, Bearded Cryptantha
- Cryptantha barnebyi : Oilshale Cryptantha
- Cryptantha breviflora : Uintabasin Cryptantha
- Cryptantha caespitosa : Tufted Cryptantha
- Cryptantha cana : Mountain Cryptantha
- Cryptantha capitata : Capitate Catseye, Capitate Cryptantha
- Cryptantha celosioides : Butte candle, Miner's candle, Cockscomb Catseye
- Cryptantha cinerea : Bownut Cryptantha, James Catseye, James' Catseye, James' Cryptantha
- Cryptantha cinerea var. abortiva
- Cryptantha cinerea var. arenicola
- Cryptantha cinerea var. cinerea
- Cryptantha cinerea var. jamesii
- Cryptantha cinerea var. laxa
- Cryptantha cinerea var. pustulosa
- Cryptantha circumscissa : Cushion Catseye, Cushion Cryptantha, Matted Cryptantha
- Cryptantha circumscissa var. circumscissa
- Cryptantha circumscissa var. hispida
- Cryptantha circumscissa var. rosulata
- Cryptantha clevelandii : Cleveland's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha clevelandii var. clevelandii
- Cryptantha clevelandii var. dissita
- Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosa
- Cryptantha clokeyi : Clokey's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha compacta : Compact Cryptantha
- Cryptantha confertiflora : Basin Yellow Catseye, Basin Yellow Cryptantha, Roundleaf Cryptantha
- Cryptantha corollata : Coastrange Cryptantha
- Cryptantha costata : Ribbed Catseye, Ribbed Cryptantha
- Cryptantha crassipes : Terlingua Creek cats-eye, Terlingua Creek Cryptantha
- Cryptantha crassisepala : Deertongue, Thick-sepal Catseye, Thicksepal Cryptanth, Thicksepal Cryptantha
- Cryptantha crassisepala var. crassisepala
- Cryptantha crassisepala var. elachantha
- Cryptantha creutzfeldtii : Creutzfeldt's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha crinita : Sacramento Cryptantha
- Cryptantha crymophila : Subalpine Cryptantha
- Cryptantha decipiens : Gravel Cryptantha, Gravel-bar Catseye, Gravelbar Cryptantha
- Cryptantha dumetorum : Bush-loving Catseye, Bushloving Cryptantha
- Cryptantha echinella : Hedgehog Cryptantha, Prickly Cryptantha
- Cryptantha elata : Cliffdweller's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha excavata : Deepscar Cryptantha
- Cryptantha fendleri : Fendlers Cryptantha, Sand-Dune Catseye, Sanddune Catseye, Sanddune Cryptantha
- Cryptantha flaccida : Weakstem Cryptantha
- Cryptantha flava : Brenda's Yellow Catseye, Brenda's Yellow Cryptantha, Plateau Yellow Catseye
- Cryptantha flavoculata : Rough-seed Catseye, Roughseed Catseye, Roughseed Cryptantha
- Cryptantha foliosa
- Cryptantha fulvocanescens: Tawny Catseye, Tawny Cryptantha
- Cryptantha fulvocanescens var. fulvocanescens
- Cryptantha fulvocanescens var. nitida
- Cryptantha ganderi : Gander's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha glomeriflora : Truckee Cryptantha
- Cryptantha gracilis : Narrowstem Catseye, Narrowstem Cryptantha, Narrowstem Pick-me-not
- Cryptantha grahamii : Fragrant Cryptantha
- Cryptantha hispidula : Napa Cryptantha
- Cryptantha hoffmannii : Hoffmann's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha holoptera : Winged Catseye, Winged Cryptantha
- Cryptantha hooveri : Hoover's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha humilis : Round-spike Catseye, Roundspike Cryptantha
- Cryptantha incana : Tulare Cryptantha
- Cryptantha insolita : LasVegas Cryptantha
- Cryptantha intermedia : Clearwater Catseye, Clearwater Cryptantha, Common Cryptantha
- Cryptantha interrupta : Elko Cryptantha
- Cryptantha jamesi
- Cryptantha johnstonii : Johnston's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha jonesiana : San Rafael Cryptantha
- Cryptantha kelseyana : Kelsey's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha leiocarpa : Coastal Cryptantha
- Cryptantha leucophaea : Gray Cryptantha
- Cryptantha longiflora : Longflower Cryptantha
- Cryptantha mariposae : Mariposa Cryptantha
- Cryptantha maritima : Guadalupe Catseye, Guadalupe Cryptantha
- Cryptantha maritima var. cedrosensis
- Cryptantha maritima var. maritima
- Cryptantha maritima var. pilosa
- Cryptantha mensana : Southwestern Cryptantha
- Cryptantha mexicana : Mexican Catseye, Mexican Cryptantha
- Cryptantha micrantha : Purpleroot Pick-me-not, Redroot Catseye, Redroot Cryptantha
- Cryptantha micrantha var. lepida
- Cryptantha micrantha var. micrantha
- Cryptantha micromeres : Pygmyflower Cryptantha
- Cryptantha microstachys : Tejon Cryptantha
- Cryptantha milobakeri : Milo Baker's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha minima : Little Catseye, Little Cryptantha, Small Cryptantha
- Cryptantha mirabunda : Wonderful Catseye, Wonderful Cryptantha
- Cryptantha mohavensis : Mojave Cryptantha
- Cryptantha muricata : Pointed Catseye, Pointed Cryptantha, Prickly Cryptantha
- Cryptantha muricata var. denticulata
- Cryptantha muricata var. jonesii : Jones' Catseye, Jones' Cryptantha
- Cryptantha muricata var. muricata
- Cryptantha nemaclada : Colusa Cryptantha
- Cryptantha nevadensis : Nevada Catseye, Nevada Cryptantha
- Cryptantha nevadensis var. nevadensis
- Cryptantha nevadensis var. rigida
- Cryptantha nubigena : Sierra Cryptantha
- Cryptantha oblata : Rough Catseye, Rough Cryptantha
- Cryptantha ochroleuca : Yellowwhite Cryptantha
- Cryptantha osterhoutii : Osterhout's Catseye, Osterhout's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha oxygona : Sharpnut Cryptantha, Sharpseed Cryptantha
- Cryptantha palmeri : Palmer's Catseye, Palmer's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha paradoxa : Handsome Catseye, Handsome Cryptantha
- Cryptantha patula
- Cryptantha paysonii : Payson's Catseye, Payson's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha propria : Malheur Cryptantha
- Cryptantha pterocarya : Winged Pick-me-not, Wingnut Catseye, Wingnut Cryptantha
- Cryptantha pterocarya var. cycloptera
- Cryptantha pterocarya var. pterocarya
- Cryptantha pterocarya var. stenoloba
- Cryptantha pusilla : Low Catseye, Low Cryptantha
- Cryptantha racemosa : Brushy Cryptantha, Bushy Cryptantha, Forget-me-not Cryptantha
- Cryptantha rattanii : Rattan's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha recurvata : Curvednut Cryptantha, Curvenut Catseye, Curvenut Cryptantha
- Cryptantha rollinsii : Rollins' Cryptantha
- Cryptantha roosiorum : Bristlecone Cryptantha
- Cryptantha rostelata : Beaked Catseye
- Cryptantha rugulosa : Wrinkled Cryptantha
- Cryptantha salmonensis : Salmon River Cryptantha
- Cryptantha scoparia : Desert Cryptantha, Pinyon Desert Cryptantha
- Cryptantha semiglabra : Smooth Catseye, Smooth Cryptantha
- Cryptantha sericea : Silky Cryptantha
- Cryptantha setosissima : Bristly Catseye, Bristly Cryptantha
- Cryptantha shacklettiana : Shacklett's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha similis : Desert Cryptantha
- Cryptantha simulans : Pine Cryptantha, Pinewoods Cryptantha
- Cryptantha sobolifera : Waterton Lakes Cryptantha
- Cryptantha sparsiflora : Slender Cryptantha
- Cryptantha spiculifera : Snake River Cryptantha
- Cryptantha stricta : Yampa River Cryptantha
- Cryptantha subcapitata : Wallowa Cryptantha
- Cryptantha tenuis : Canyon Catseye, Canyon Cryptantha
- Cryptantha texana
- Cryptantha thompsonii : Thompson's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha thyrsiflora : Calcareous Catseye, Calcareous Cryptantha
- Cryptantha torreyana : Torrey's Catseye, Torrey's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha traskiae : Trask's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha tumulosa : Mojave Cryptantha, New York Mountain Cryptantha
- Cryptantha utahensis : Scented Catseye, Scented Cryptantha, Utah Cryptantha
- Cryptantha virgata : Miner's candle
- Cryptantha virginensis : Virgin River Catseye, Virgin River Cryptantha, Virgin Valley Cryptantha
- Cryptantha watsonii : Watson's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha weberi : Weber's Cryptantha
- Cryptantha welshii : Welsh's Cryptantha, White River Cryptantha
- Cryptantha wetherillii : Wetherill's Cryptantha
- ^ WTU Herbarium
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