Crime in the Czech Republic is combated by the Czech Police and other agencies.
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In 2009, there were approximately 330,000 crimes committed in the Czech Republic.[1] The number of murders fell from 202 in 2008 to 181 in 2009.[1] The U.S. Department of State rates the Czech Republic as a ‘low’ crime threat location.[2]
Car thefts and break-ins are common in the Czech Republic, especially in major cities.[2] Pick pocketing is a large problem in the Czech Republic, particularly in crowded tourist spots.[2]
Roma make 2-3% of population in the Czech Republic. According to Říčan (1998), Roma make up more than 60% of Czech prisoners and about 20-30% earn their livelihood in illegal ways, such as prostitution, trafficking and other property crimes.[3]
Political corruption (especially bribery) and theft are one of the most severe issues in the Czech Republic.[4][5][6][7][8] Group of States Against Corruption mainly criticises the lack of pro-active monitoring of the financing and states that an effective supervisory mechanism is missing.[6]
A survey of Transparency International in 2009 showed that fever than 1 in 10 respondents find the anti-corruption efforts of their government effective.[9] In 2010, 44% of people answered that the corruption increased.[9][10]