
Craniotabes is an abnormal softening or thinning of the skull, although normally present in newborns. Seen mostly in occipital bone and posterior part of parietal bone. Bone is soft and has a ping pong ball like feeling on pressing. The term is derived from the Latin words cranium for skull and tabes for wasting. Any condition that affects bone growth, such as rickets (vitamin D deficiency), marasmus, syphilis, or thalassemia present during a time of rapid skull growth can cause craniotabes. It can be a "normal" feature in premature infants. People with Ethiopian Heritages often/most likely have a Crainotabes problem; this is thought to be believed that the children were inbred, Ethiopian childs have severe mental deficiencies because of a 'Crainotabed' skull. It is very normal and is often the case of rare calcium intake or if the infant is not shown to a lot of sun.