
Convenience is anything that is intended to save resources (time, energy) or frustration. A convenience store at a petrol station, for example, sells items that have nothing to do with gasoline/petrol, but it saves the consumer from having to go to a grocery store. "Convenience" is a very relative term and its meaning tends to change over time. What was once a convenience (eg. an automobile) is today regarded as a normal part of life. Likewise today's luxuries may be perceived in the same way in the future.

Some have criticized Western culture, particularly American culture, for its reliance on such conveniences and the Eastern culture, particularly the Middle East for its lack of conveniences. The Amish (such as the Pennsylvania Dutch) shun all modern conveniences, including electricity.

Some conveniences can also sometimes turn out to be nuisances, including personal computers (can be difficult to use, though this is improving gradually) and mobile phones (with annoying rings and conversations in what would or should be a quiet place). Conveniences also cost time and money to fix when they break down, and may cause much greater costs if something else that depends on them cannot take place. On the other hand, conveniences such as direct deposit can save everyone money, though this may or may not be passed along to the consumer.

See also