Constitutional militia movement

The modern constitutional militia movement, the constitutionalist wing of the "militia movement" in the United States, became active in the mid 1990s in response to outrage about the violent confrontation at Ruby Ridge, the Waco Siege and gun control legislation.[1] The movement is composed largely of veterans, libertarians, and Second Amendment advocates who share a common motivation of anger at federal government actions and also a set of ideals associated with the values of the militia they see embodied in the Constitution.[2][3]



The roots of the modern Constitutional militia movement are found in the revolutionary nature of the militia with precedents in United States colonial history, found in the Articles of Confederation, the U.S. Constitution, and subsequent federal legislation. This early republican militia tradition included an armed populace that was supposed to be kept organized and ready to function to safeguard against the tyranny of government and standing armies.

The constitutional militia movement has continuity back to the American Revolution, with periods of subsidence and revival. Revivals include Fries Rebellion (1799),the Revolution of 1800, the Dorr Rebellion (1842), the Copperheads (1861–65), and the American Liberty League (1934). Throughout American history, there have also been other constitutionalist revivals in opposition to many governmental actions deemed unconstitutional.[4]

Some writers[5] have claimed the modern revival of the constitutional militia movement began as early as 1958, but that, in this early phase, it was associated ideologically with the white supremacist Christian Identity movement mixed with constitutionalist elements. However, the more comprehensive recent treatment of the subject by Robert Churchill debunks this portrayal.

Beginning about 1960, a fear of Communism was prevalent in the United States in light of communist victories in China, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America. This concern was shared by members of the constitutional militia movement who feared a collectivist takeover of the United States. The constitutionalist militia purpose draws upon the old Colonial role of the militias as defenders of America against foreign invaders generally, and specifically against collectivist forces infiltrating and dominating within the United States. These militia revivals believed in the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution, and that certain groups are conspiring to destroy America. Unlike the Christian Identity groups, the Constitutionalist militias generally resist casting blame on ethnic, racial or religious groups, but rather blame influential individuals or groups of individuals (e.g., the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission) who promote globalization; collectively known as the New World Order.[6]


Conceptually, a citizen's militia has been defined as a constitutionalist private army meeting regularly to practice combat skills and discuss weapons. The militia is defined as a social group with a distinct territory, being anti-governmental in outlook, and having definite opinions regarding use of force to further militia goals. It may have an offensive, paramilitary, and/or defensive orientation depending on circumstances.[7]

Operational features include.[8]:

  1. Training in combat scenarios and weaponry skills in mock actions and maneuvers.
  2. Has an identifiable territory in which members reside.
  3. Bases organization philosophies on anti-government rhetoric.
  4. Development of contingency plans in case of governmental provocation.


One writer offers a typology of the constitutionalist militia movement that identifies four types[9]

  1. The Open Constitutionalist, with the Cascade Brigade as an example.
  2. Constitutionalist/Command Structure, with the Alabama Constitutional Militia and the Michigan Militia as examples.
  3. Constitutionalist/Cell Structure, with the Militia of Montana and the Texas Constitutional Militia as examples.
  4. Underground/ No Public Contact, with the Sons of Liberty (Alabama) as example

However, others view constitutionalism as the movement, having a militia wing, rather than a militia movement with a constitutionalist wing.[4]


From the inception of the modern movement there has been controversy over whether the movement was an important part of a complete response to many important threats, or a threat in itself. Both protagonists and antagonists have emerged in all parts of society.[4]

See also


  1. ^ Beaumont, Roger; "American as Cherry Pie? Unofficial Militias in American History", Journal of Conflict Studies Vol. XIX No. 2, Fall 1999: University of New Brunswick
  2. ^ Jonathan Karl, The Right to Bear Arms: The Rise of America's New Militias (New York: Harper, 1995)
  3. ^ Churchill, Robert H., Boston University, 1999 Annual Conference of the Center for Millennial Studies. Arming for the Last Battle: Secular and Religious Millennial Impulses within the Militia Movement.
  4. ^ a b c Robert H Churchill, To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face: Libertarian Political Violence and the Origins of the Militia Movement, University of Michigan Press (March 3, 2009) ISBN 0472116827.
  5. ^ Weeber, Stan C. + Rodeheaver, Daniel G.. Sociological Quarterly. Spring 2003. Militias at the Millennium: A test of Smelser's theory of collective behavior. Page 182-184
  6. ^ Weeber, S. C., & Rodeheaver, D. G. (2004). Militias in the new millennium a test of Smelser's theory of collective behavior, Pages 11-12. Lanham, Md, University Press of America.
  7. ^ Daniel G. Rodeheaver; Stan Weeber; Weeber, Stanley C. (2004). Militias in the new millennium: a test of Smelser's theory of collective behavior. Washington, D.C: University Press of America. pp. 4–6. ISBN 0-7618-2789-7. "(M)ilitias are social groups that practice skills within a distinct territory, are anti-government in outlook, and have definite opinions regarding use of terrorism to further militia goals." 
  8. ^ Weeber, Stan C. + Rodeheaver, Daniel G.. Sociological Quarterly. Spring 2003. Militias at the Millennium: A test of Smelser's theory of collective behavior. Page 188
  9. ^ Weeber, Stanley C., and Daniel Gilbert Rodeheaver. Militias in the New Millennium A Test of Smelser's Theory of Collective Behavior Page 61. Lanham, Md: University Press of America, 2004.