Comet Skjellerup–Maristany

C/1927 X1 (Skjellerup-Maristany)
Discovered by: John Francis Skjellerup, Edmundo Maristany
Discovery date: December 6, 1927
Alternate designations: Great Comet of 1927, 1927 IX, 1927 X1
Orbital characteristics A
Epoch: 1927-Dec-26
(JD 2425240.5)[1]
Aphelion: 2202 AU
Perihelion: 0.1761 AU[1]
Semi-major axis: 1101 AU
Eccentricity: 0.9998[1]
Orbital period: ~36600 yr
Inclination: 85.1°[1]
Last perihelion: December 18, 1927[1]
Next perihelion: unknown

Comet Skjellerup-Maristany, formally designated C/1927 X1, 1927 IX, and 1927k, was a long-period comet which became very bright in 1927. This great comet was observable to the naked eye for about 32 days.[2] It was independently discovered by amateur astronomers John Francis Skjellerup in Australia on November 28, 1927 and Edmundo Maristany in Argentina on December 6, 1927, and noted for its strong yellow appearance, caused by emission from sodium atoms.

Forward scattering of light on December 15th and 16th of 1927 allowed the comet to be seen during daylight if the observer blocked the Sun.[3] C/1927 X1 passed only 1.4° from the Sun on 1927-Dec-15.[4]


  1. ^ a b c d e "JPL Small-Body Database Browser: C/1927 X1 (Skjellerup-Maristany)". Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 1928-03-29 last obs (arc=115 days). Retrieved 2011-04-07. 
  2. ^ Donald K. Yeomans (April 2007). "Great Comets in History". Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology (Solar System Dynamics). Retrieved 2011-08-07. 
  3. ^ Marcus, Joseph N. (October 2007). "Forward-Scattering Enhancement of Comet Brightness. II. The Light Curve of C/2006 P1" (PDF). International Comet Quarterly. pp. 119–130. 
  4. ^ Horizons output. "Observer Table for Comet C/1927 X1 (Skjellerup-Maristany)". Retrieved 2011-08-07.  (Observer Location:Geocentric [500])

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