
The hortative (i/ˈhɔrtətɪv/; abbreviated hort) is a group of semantically similar deontic moods in some languages, especially English. Hortative moods encourage or urge. There are seven hortative moods in English: the adhortative, exhortative, suprahortative, cohortative, dehortative, inhortative, and infrahortative. They differ by intensity, attitude (for or against) and in the case of the cohortative, person.



Hortative moods signal the speaker's encouragement or discouragement toward the addressee's bringing about the proposition of an utterance. For this reason hortative constructions can only be used in the first person plural (cohortative) and second person singular and plural (adhortative, exhortative, dehortative, and inhortative).


The term hortative dates to 1576, from Late Latin hortatorius "encouraging, cheering," from hortatus, past participle of hortari "exhort, encourage," intensive of horiri "urge, incite, encourage".


Hortative modality is often mistaken for other moods due to semantic or lexical similarities. Hortative constructions also rarely have forms that are uniquely hortative. Let's (Let us) in its contracted form is an exception to this. However, even let's in its long form 'let us' as well as the colloquial semantic equal 'leave us' may be used as cohortatives as well as for other functions.


Ambiguity also arises from hortative use of modals normally utilized for expression of other moods. Consider the modal '(have) got' which is most often used in an obligatory mood but which can also appear in hortative usage:

Further ambiguity often results from the structure of hortative formations which can sometimes have many words or appear as adverbially modified forms of other moods:

This construction consists of might (a modal of possibility) + not (the negative marker) + want (a volitive class II modal). Forms such as this are often misconstrued as other moods further modified (in this case volition negated and modified for possibility).

Imperative-hortative systems

Many languages have imperative-hortative systems in which moods dealing with commands and encouragement are grouped together. This is not the case in English and results in some disagreement among linguists.

Imperatives and hortatives both involve the expression of a wish of the speaker about a future state of affairs. In this respect they are like optatives, but in contrast to optatives, they convey an appeal to the addressee(s) to help make the future state of affairs true. If the person in control of the desired state of affairs is the addressee or addressees, the utterance is an imperative. In any other case, it is a hortative. Consider these examples:

  1. May he live a hundred years! (optative)
  2. Sing! (imperative)
  3. Let’s sing! (hortative)

(1) illustrates an optative. It expresses a wish or hope of the speaker, but there is no appeal to the addressee to make it true. (2) and (3) also express a wish of the speaker, but in each case, there is an appeal to the addressee to help make it true, with the desired future state of affairs specified as that of someone singing. Note that the person who is supposed to sing is/are the addressee(s) in (2) thus making it a command. In (3), however, the intended singer is the addressee(s) together with the speaker thus effecting the mood of mutual encouragement that the speaker and the addressee(s) perform the action.[1]

Inclusive moods


The adhortative is a hortative mood in English. The Adhortative encourages or urges.

From ad- “to, toward” + hortari “encourage, urge”.


The exhortative is a hortative mood in English. The exhortative avidly encourages or strongly urges.

c.1382, from L. exhortationem, noun of action from exhortari, from ex- "thoroughly" + hortari "encourage, urge" (see horatory). Verb exhort is c.1400.


The suprahortative is a hortative mood in English. The suprahortative is used for pleas of encouragement or absolute urging.

From supra- "over, above, maximum" + hortari "encourage, urge" (see horatory).


The dehortative is a hortative mood in English. The dehortative discourages or urges against.

From dehort (Modern English – archaic) to try to dissuade. c.1525, from L. dehortari, from de- “off, away” + hortari “encourage, urge”.


The inhortative is a hortative mood in English. The inhortative avidly discourages or strongly urges against.

From ME enhort c.1400 “strongly urge against”, from L. in- “opposite effect” + hortari “encourage, urge”.


The infrahortative is a hortative mood in English. The infrahortative is used for pleas of discouragement or absolute urging against.

From infra- "below" + hortari "encourage, urge" (see horatory).


The cohortative is a hortative mood in English. The cohortative is used for mutual encouragement or discouragement.

c.1850, from L.cohortatus, participle of cohortare from co- “together” + hortari “encourage, urge.
The cohortative is signified by its primary modal phrase [let's] and its longer form [let us] and the semantically identical colloquial [leave us]. Constructions with let+me (first person singular) are not hortative but rather permissive.



  1. ^ Johan van der Auwera, Nina Dobrushina, and Valentin Goussev, "Imperative-Hortative Structures," in Haspelmath, Martin (2005). The world atlas of language structures. Oxford UP. pp. 294. ISBN 9780199255917. http://books.google.com/books?id=sCRcARRN9nsC&pg=PA294.