
A clinistrip is a urine test strip to measure levels of glucose in urine for diabetics. The small plastic strip has glucose oxidase and an organic dye on one end. The enzyme oxidizes glucose to gluconic acid with the formation of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide reacts with dye to produce a blue color. Each color corresponds to a specific level of glucose.

It is also known as CLINISTIX; another brand name is Diastix. These are specific clinical sticks for the detection of glucose only and no other sugar as they consist of a section that contains glucose oxidase that has been dried onto the paper pad. This is similar to the glucose oxidase assay as the glucose in the urine, once the stick has been dipped into the urine, is oxidised to yield gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The enzyme peroxidise is also present on the pad that utilises the hydrogen peroxide produced to oxidise a colour dye that results in a colour change. The intensity of the colour change on the pad reflects the amount of glucose present in the urine.