Christian Pommerenke

Christian Pommerenke (born 17 December 1933 in Copenhagen) is a mathematician known for his work in complex analysis.

He studied at the University of Göttingen (1954–58), achieving diploma in mathematics (1957), Ph.D. (1959) on the dissertation Über die Gleichverteilung von Gitterpunkten auf m-dimensionalen Ellipsoiden (1959)[1] and habilitation (1963). Pommerenke subsequently joined the faculty as Assistent (1958–64) and Privatdozent (1964–66). Around the same time he served as assistant professor at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (1961–62), was at Harvard University (1962–63) and was guest lecturer and reader at Imperial College in London (1965–67). Since 1967 he has been professor in complex analysis at the mathematics department of the Technical University of Berlin.[2] He is now an emeritus.



  1. ^ entry at mathematics geneaology
  2. ^ biography from