Chris Walter (author)

Chris Walter (born August 16, 1959) is a Canadian urban novelist and founder of the independent publishing company Gofuckyerself Press.



Born in Regina, Saskatchewan, Chris was raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba before moving to East Vancouver, British Columbia in 1991, where he resides with his girlfriend and their son. Chris is a former drug addict who began writing in 1998. He completed several novels before finally cleaning up in January 2001. Upon rehabilitation, he devoted himself to his work and to family.

Gofuckyerself Press

Gofuckyerself Press (GFY Press) specializes in urban fiction, "books about punks, drunks, junkies and whores", and has published 21 titles: including 12 novels by Walter, his autobiographical trilogy, a collection of short stories, novels authored by Simon Snotface, Drew Gates and Stewart Black, and biographies of Canadian punk group Personality Crisis and the Dayglo Abortions.[1] Despite their dark subject matter, Walter's books are known for black humour, presented in prose described by critics as "convincing, lively, real, accessible and wildly entertaining".[2]

Other Contributions

Walter has also contributed to a number of publications, including The Nerve, Mass Movement, Razorcake, The Big Takeover, The Georgia Straight, Vice, Loud Fast Rules, The Republic, and Absolute Underground. He was featured in Prairie Coast Films' 2010 documentary Open Your Mouth And Say... Mr. Chi Pig, a film that looks at the life of SNFU singer Mr. Chi Pig.


Short stories
Also published by GFY Press


  1. ^ Gofuckyerself Press Website, Website offering reviews of Walter's books.
  2. ^ "TDR Interview: Chris Walter". The Danforth Review, March 2008. Retrieved June 30, 2009.

External links