Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre

Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre (CBRC) is an academic organization of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.



CBRC aims at achieving excellence in research in childhood bilingualism and multilingualism; serving children and parents in Hong Kong and the region by studying childhood bilingualism and propagating its positive outcomes; documenting the development of bilingualism in bilingual children from its inception to maturity and demonstrate their achievements in attaining bilingual competence in childhood; raising the public’s awareness of Hong Kong children’s development of biliteracy and trilingualism; studying and supporting revitalization of minority languages in the context of bilingual and multilingual education. The centre is directed by Professor Virginia Yip (CUHK) and Dr. Stephen Matthews (HKU).[1]


Cantonese Grammar

Researchers at CBRC study the grammar of Cantonese systematically from cross-linguistic, processing, and developmental perspectives in order to see how studies in language acquisition and Cantonese grammar inform and inspire each other.


Corpus-Based Studies

Researchers construct longitudinal bilingual corpora by collecting naturalistic speech data from children -who are exposed to Cantonese and English simultaneously in early childhood -who acquire English or Cantonese as a second language


Journal Articles & Book Chapters

“Early syntactic development in Cantonese-English bilingual children” Contemporary Linguistics 6.1.1-18.

Experimental Psycholinguistics

In order to look into how Hong Kong children process words and sentences in Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, researchers conduct experiments to investigate children's comprehension and production.

Research Projects

- Transitive Constructions

- Dative Constructions

- Relative Clauses


  1. ^ Yip, V. and S. Matthews. 2010. Promoting Bilingualism Research in Hong Kong and East Asia: The Childhood Bilinguailsm Research Center. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 38. 2: 396-403.

External links