
ChiSai is a comic book created by Bart Thompson, and chronicles the adventures of Shy Stevens. Debuting in May 2005 within the pages of Approbation Comics's Myriad anthology, the first ChiSai story subtitled "Karma" introduced the concept. In the story, Thompson chronicles the life of young Shy Stevens, an 18 year girl whose life was torn apart in every way imaginable, yet she dedicates herself to crawling from the wreckage and settling the score. But once she's rebuilt her life and goes about getting revenge on her tormentors, she faces risking her new life and family to settle her old scores.

The word "chisai" is Japanese for "small" which is a reference to Shy's height. With further wordplay, Thompson explains that in hip hop slang Chicago is referred to as "Chi-Town" and which is added to "sai", the character's main weapon, to form the character's name "Chi-Sai". This is pronounced "Shy-Sai".

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