
A cherpumple is a holiday novelty dessert,[1] inspired by Terducken,[2] where several different flavor pies are baked inside of several different flavors of cake, and then stacked together. According to the creator, "Cherpumple is short for CHERry, PUMpkin and apPLE pie. The apple pie is baked in spice cake, the pumpkin in yellow and the cherry in white." [3]

The creator of the recipe, humorist Charles Phoenix, noticed that his family often took a slice of each dessert that was made for holidays, so he decided to create a single dessert that combined all of the flavors.[4]

Making a cherpumple can take up to three days, because each layer must cool before they are combined. Using boxed or frozen pies can improve the results as they have more structural integrity than home made pies.[5]

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