Chandurthi is a historical village and panchayat in Karimnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, India.
There are 18 villages in this mandal. The present ZPTC is P. Lingareddy. In this mandal Rudrangi is major village.MPP IS NAKKA.JYOTHI / The villages of this mandal are:
Mallial or Malyal is located 18 km from Vemulawada and 2 km from Chandurthi Mandal. This village is famous for "Chundi Eluka Bavi ( well)". People who get bit by the small rat come and take a bath from this Bavi( well) and will be cleaned of any allergies or any diseases resulting out of such a rat bite. A big venkateshwara temple was built here very recently. Main occupation here is agriculture but lot of villagers go to gulf countries in search of opportunities. Younger generation are focussing a lot on education like Engineering, medicine and lately are going Western countries for career opportunities. jogapoor is located in Chandurthi mandal and karimnagar district 25 km distant from the famous pilgrim center Vemulavada. Jogapoor is populated by 2500 people and the major occupation is Agriculture. 80% of the population migrate to UAE in search of livelihood and one of the important village in the mandal in the political and educational terms.