
Champale is a brand of Malt Liquor, brewed with yeasts more commonly used in wine fermentation, to produce a beer resembling sparkling wines in taste. Champale was one of the first alcoholic drinks to target the African American market in its advertising, contributing to malt liquor's current popularity within the United States.



Champale Malt Liquor was first produced in 1939 by The Metropolis Brewing Company at its brewery on Lamberton and Lalor streets in Trenton, New Jersey and later also at a related brewery in Norfolk, Virginia. The companies names were later changed to Champale, Inc. and The Champale Products Corporation, respectively. The two operating breweries were privately owned by the Hertzberg brothers until their sale to publicly held Iroquois Brands, Ltd. in the mid-1970s. During the early 1970s through the early 1980s the Trenton facility's production and distribution capacity at the Trenton location were significantly expanded, ultimately allowing for the consolidation of all operations into the Trenton plant. At about that time significant capital expenditures were made to expand production and distribution capabilities at the Trenton facility. Extra Dry Champale was the only Champale variety produced until the introduction of Pink Champale in 1977. A third variety, Golden Champale, was introduced in the early 1980s. All three varieties were sold in 7 oz., 12 oz., and 32 oz. bottles, as well as in 12 oz. cans. The Champale brands were sold to beer distributors in 46 states, being particularly popular in urban areas. Iroquois Brands, Ltd. began divesting itself of its subsidiaries in the mid-1980s and sold the Champale formula and brand rights to the G. Heileman Brewing Company in November, 1986, at which time Champale production was moved to existing Heilman brewing facilities. Iroquois sold the Trenton realty and equipment to a group of ex-Champale employees who operated a short-lived beverage contract packaging operation, but the facilities were abandoned within two years. The brewing and packaging buildings have subsequently been demolished and the distribution facility resold. The shell of the main office building, an historic structure, remains (barely) standing on Lamberton Street. [1] The release was accompanied by print advertisements, chiefly depicting African Americans enjoying the beverage, with slogans such as "Live a little on very little",[2] the drink was pitched as a 'poor man's champagne'. The beer's packaging and label resembled that of wine. The beverage's huge initial success has ensured the brand's continuity, and likely contributed to the current popularity of high-alcohol Malt Liquors. The brand has been passed along a succession of companies, most recently acquired by the G. Heileman Brewing Company in 1986.[3] G. Heileman Brewing Company was subsequently acquired by the Pabst Brewing Company, who currently produce the beer in a limited release across the United States.


Champale is currently produced in four flavors: Golden, Pink, Dry, and Red Berry.

Cocktails with Champale

On the 1960s Champale can, viewable online at [4]printed "4 Ways To Enjoy" Champale on its label:

'Sahara' Highball Tall glass of ice, add jigger of vodka - fill with CHAMPALE.

Champale 'Cheer' Serve ice cold CHAMPALE in stemmed glass - add a maraschino cherry.

Champale 'Cooler' Tall glass of cracked ice, fill with CHAMPALE - add twist of lemon peel.

'Pink' Champale Add dash of grenadine or cherry juice to CHAMPALE in stemmed or champagne glass.

Pink Champale is referenced in popular music (see below.) The 'Sahara' Highball, though a potent "boilermaker" (beer and hard liquor) completely disguised the taste of the vodka.

Champale in popular culture

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