
Cephamycins are a group of beta-lactam antibiotics. They are very similar to cephalosporins, and the cephamycins are sometimes classified as cephalosporins.

Like cephalosporins, cephamycins are based upon the cephem nucleus. Unlike most cephalosporins, cephamycins are a very efficacious antibiotic against anaerobic microbes.

Cephamycins were originally produced by Streptomyces, but synthetic ones have been produced as well.

Cephamycins possess a methoxy group at the 7-alpha position.[1]


Cephamycins include:


  1. ^ Oreste A. Mascaretti (2003). Bacteria Versus Antibacterial Agents: An Integrated Approach. American Society Microbiology. pp. 144. ISBN 1-55581-258-9. 
  2. ^ Little PJ, Peddie BA (July 1978). "Clinical use of cefoxitin, a new semisynthetic cephamycin". N. Z. Med. J. 88 (616): 46–9. PMID 279853. 
  3. ^ Clarke AM, Zemcov SJ (January 1983). "Antibacterial activity of the cephamycin cefotetan: an in-vitro comparison with other beta-lactam antibiotics". J. Antimicrob. Chemother.. 11 Suppl: 67–72. PMID 6404881. 
  4. ^ Benlloch M, Torres A, Soriano F (October 1982). "Cefmetazole (CS-1170): a new cephamycin with activity against gram-negative bacilli and staphylococci". J. Antimicrob. Chemother. 10 (4): 347–50. doi:10.1093/jac/10.4.347. PMID 6958672. http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=6958672.