Cemetery of the Resurrection, Staten Island

Cemetery of the Resurrection is a Roman Catholic graveyard on the southern shore of Staten Island.[1]

Notable burials


  1. ^ a b c Feuer, Alan (October 8, 2008). "Awaiting a Burial, This Time an Actual One". New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/09/nyregion/09cutolo.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin. Retrieved 2008-10-09. "In section 37 of the Cemetery of the Resurrection, a Roman Catholic graveyard on the southern shore of Staten Island, there is an empty grave. Its epitaph is touching: “We love you beyond the moon.” Its dates suggest a much-too-early passing: June 6, 1949, to May 26, 1999."