Cash flow

Key concepts
Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow forecasting · Chart of accounts · Journal · Special journals · Constant item purchasing power accounting · Cost of goods sold · Credit terms · Debits and credits · Double-entry system · Mark-to-market accounting · FIFO and LIFO · GAAP / IFRS · General ledger · Goodwill · Historical cost · Matching principle · Revenue recognition · Trial balance
Fields of accounting
Cost · Financial · Forensic · Fund · Management · Tax (U.S.)
Financial statements
Balance sheet · Cash flow statement · Statement of retained earnings · Income statement · Notes · Management discussion and analysis · XBRL
Auditor's report · Financial audit · GAAS / ISA · Internal audit · Sarbanes–Oxley Act
Accounting qualifications

Cash flow is the movement of money into or out of a business, project, or financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, finite period of time. Measurement of cash flow can be used for calculating other parameters that give information on a company's value and situation. Cash flow can e.g. be used for calculating parameters:

Cash flow is a generic term used differently depending on the context. It may be defined by users for their own purposes. It can refer to actual past flows or projected future flows. It can refer to the total of all flows involved or a subset of those flows. Subset terms include net cash flow, operating cash flow and free cash flow.


Statement of cash flow in a business's financials

The (total) net cash flow of a company over a period (typically a quarter or a full year) is equal to the change in cash balance over this period: positive if the cash balance increases (more cash becomes available), negative if the cash balance decreases. The total net cash flow is the sum of cash flows that are classified in three areas:

  1. Operational cash flows: Cash received or expended as a result of the company's internal business activities. It includes cash earnings plus changes to working capital. Over the medium term this must be net positive if the company is to remain solvent.
  2. Investment cash flows: Cash received from the sale of long-life assets, or spent on capital expenditure (investments, acquisitions and long-life assets).
  3. Financing cash flows: Cash received from the issue of debt and equity, or paid out as dividends, share repurchases or debt repayments.

Ways Companies Can Augment Reported Cash Flow

Common methods include:


Description Amount ($) totals ($)
Cash flow from operations +10
  Sales (paid in cash) +30
  Materials -10
  Labor -10
Cash flow from financing +40
  Incoming loan +50
  Loan repayment -5
  Taxes -5
Cash flow from investments -10
  Purchased capital -10
Total +40

The net cash flow only provides a limited amount of information. Compare, for example, the cash flows over three years of two companies:

Company A Company B
Year 1 Year 2 year 3 Year 1 Year 2 year 3
Cash flow from operations +20M +21M +22M +10M +11M +12M
Cash flow from financing +5M +5M +5M +5M +5M +5M
Cash flow from investment -15M -15M -15M 0M 0M 0M
Net cash flow +10M +11M +12M +15M +16M +17M

Company B has a higher yearly cash flow. However, Company A is actually earning more cash by its core activities and has already spent 45M in long term investments, of which the revenues will only show up after three years.

See also


External links