
Family name
Pronunciation Kar' pen ti ar
Meaning worker or fixer of wood, builder of wood
Related names Carpenter (surname), Zimmermann, Zimerman, Zimmerman, Charpentier

Carpentier is a surname from the old French Charpentier and is similar to the English Carpenter.

Origin: [900-1000] Charpentier - Old French < Late Latin; carpentarius artifex or wainwright, equivalent to Latin carpent(um) two wheeled carriage ( < Celt; cf. OIr carpad chariot) + arius - ARY; see ER2.[1] Carpentier was a surname in France at least as early as 1549, when Marin Carpentier of Brix, France was mentioned in Gilles, Sire de Gouberville's journal of country life in Normandy.[2]

Carpentier may refer to:


Real people

Fictional characters

See also


  1. ^ Combined from several sources including: "Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary" 1996 by Barnes & Noble Books and "Concise Oxford Dictionary - 10th Edition by Oxford University Press.
  2. ^ Fedden, Katharine. 1933. Manor Life in Old France. New York: Columbia University Press. p. 159.