Canis Major

Canis Major

List of stars in Canis Major
Abbreviation CMa
Genitive Canis Majoris
Pronunciation /ˌknɨs ˈmər/, genitive /ˈknɨs məˈɒrɨs/
Symbolism the greater dog
Right ascension 7 h
Declination −20°
Quadrant SQ2
Area 380 sq. deg. (43rd)
Main stars 8
Stars with planets 4
Stars brighter than 3.00m 5
Stars within 10.00 pc (32.62 ly) 1
Brightest star Sirius (α CMa) (−1.46m)
Nearest star Sirius (α CMa)
(8.60 ly, 2.64 pc)
Messier objects 1
Meteor showers None
Visible at latitudes between +60° and −90°.
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of February.

Canis Major ( /ˌknɨs ˈmər/) is one of the 88 modern constellations, and was included in the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy's 48 constellations. Its name is Latin for 'greater dog', and is commonly represented as one of the dogs following Orion the hunter (see also Canis Minor the 'lesser dog'). Canis Major contains Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, known as the 'dog star', which is part of the asterism known as the Winter Triangle in the Northern Hemisphere, or the Summer Triangle in the Southern. The star is also recognized as Canis Major's nose.


Notable features


There are several other fairly bright stars (in order of brightness) in Canis Major, all with Arabic names:

The star VY Canis Majoris is the largest star (in terms of radius) known, and has an average magnitude of 7.8.

Deep-sky objects

There are not many bright deep-sky objects in this region of sky. The only Messier object in Canis Major is Messier 41 (NGC 2287), an open cluster of visual magnitude 4.6. It is located about 4 degrees directly south of Sirius. Messier 41 is roughly 2350 light years away from Earth, contains about 8,000 stars, and is about 24 light years in diameter. It is also noted for containing a number of K-class stars.

The band of the Milky Way goes through Canis Major and therefore background galaxies are hidden behind interstellar dust clouds. However, in 2003, Canis Major Dwarf, the closest satellite galaxy to Earth, was found within the constellation. Sirius, its brightest star, means "scorching star", since the summer heat occurred just after Sirius' heliacal rising. The Ancient Greeks referred to such times in the summer as dog days, as only dogs would be mad enough to go out in the heat, leading to the star being known as the Dog Star. Consequently, the constellation was named after it, as 'The Big Dog'.

In early classical Europe, Canis Major represented the dog Laelaps, a gift from Zeus to Europa; or sometimes the hound of Procris, Diana's nymph; or the one given by Aurora to Cephalus, so famed for its speed that Zeus elevated it to the sky.

It was also considered to represent Orion's hunting dog, pursuing Lepus the Hare or helping Orion fight Taurus the Bull; and is referred to in this way by Aratos, Homer and Hesiod. The ancient Greeks refer only to one dog, but by Roman times, Canis Minor appears as Orion's second dog.

Sirius was considered a dog in its own right, early Greek mythology sometimes the constellation to represent a two-headed dog. As such, together with the area of the sky that is deserted (now considered as the new and extremely faint constellations Camelopardalis and Lynx), and the other features of the area in the Zodiac sign of Gemini (i.e. the Milky Way, and the constellations Gemini, Orion, Auriga, and Canis Minor), this may be the origin of the myth of the cattle of Geryon, which forms one of The Twelve Labours of Heracles.

Roman myth refers to Canis Major as Custos Europae, the dog guarding Europa but failing to prevent her abduction by Jupiter in the form of a bull; and as Janitor Lethaeus, the watchdog.

In Chinese astronomy, constellation Canis Major is lied in The Vermillion Bird of the South (南方朱雀, Nán Fāng Zhū Què).[1]


Depending on the faintness of stars considered, Canis Major can be shown to resemble a dog facing either above or below the ecliptic.

Popular culture

In the original television mini-series V, the Visitors claim to be from a star "in your constellation Canis Major".

See also



External links

Coordinates: 07h 00m 00s, −20° 00′ 00″