California unemployment statistics

This table shows California unemployment statistics from 1976 through 2010. The data source is the "Labor Force & Unemployment Data" page from the official State of California website.

The unemployment rates are annual averages without seasonal adjustment. The 1976-1989 rates are based on the March, 2004 benchmark and were last updated April 26, 2005. The 1990-2006 rates are based on the March 2006 benchmark and they were last updated on May 18, 2007.


California unemployment rates 1976-2010

Year Labor Force Employment Unemployment Unemp. Rate (%)
2010 18,176,200 15,916,300 2,259,900 12.4
2009 18,204,200 16,141,500 2,062,700 11.3
2008 18,191,000 16,883,400 1,307,600 7.2
2007 17,928,700 16,970,200 958,500 5.3
2006 17,686,700 16,821,300 865,400 4.9
2005 17,544,800 16,592,200 952,600 5.4
2004 17,444,400 16,354,800 1,089,700 6.2
2003 17,390,700 16,200,100 1,190,600 6.8
2002 17,343,600 16,180,800 1,162,800 6.7
2001 17,152,100 16,220,000 932,100 5.4
2000 16,857,600 16,024,300 833,200 4.9
1999 16,430,600 15,566,900 863,700 5.3
1998 16,166,900 15,203,700 963,200 6.0
1997 15,792,500 14,780,800 1,011,700 6.4
1996 15,435,900 14,303,500 1,132,400 7.3
1995 15,263,600 14,062,400 1,201,200 7.9
1994 15,271,000 13,953,900 1,317,200 8.6
1993 15,264,500 13,808,300 1,456,200 9.5
1992 15,309,800 13,874,200 1,435,600 9.4
1991 15,105,400 13,931,700 1,173,700 7.8
1990 15,168,500 14,294,100 874,400 5.8
1989 14,517,400 13,770,600 746,800 5.2
1988 14,134,900 13,388,300 746,600 5.3
1987 13,744,000 12,943,400 800,700 5.8
1986 13,334,500 12,434,200 900,300 6.8
1985 12,964,400 12,030,500 933,900 7.2
1984 12,626,500 11,643,400 983,100 7.8
1983 12,292,500 11,083,700 1,208,800 9.8
1982 12,150,300 10,931,100 1,219,200 10.0
1981 11,827,700 10,947,700 880,000 7.4
1980 11,587,800 10,791,400 796,400 6.9
1979 11,278,900 10,573,500 705,400 6.3
1978 10,913,900 10,132,800 781,200 7.2
1977 10,383,400 9,518,000 865,400 8.4
1976 9,888,100 8,979,800 908,400 9.2



"Labor Force & Unemployment Data: Not Seasonally-Adjusted Labor Force Data". State of California. Retrieved 2011-12-8. 
