
Black-headed Parrots, breeders.
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Subfamily: Psittacinae
Tribe: Arini
Genus: Pionites
Heine, 1890

The Caiques (kī-EEK) are species of parrots in the genus Pionites. There are two main species, the White-bellied Parrot (or White-bellied Caique) and the Black-headed Parrot (or Black-headed Caique). They are relatively small and stocky, with a short, square tail. Due to their very brght, pure colors they are considered among the more beautiful parrot species. Their typical weight is 150 - 170 grams. They can live up to 40 years.

They are endemic in the Amazon Basin in South America, with the Black-headed north of the Amazon River, and the White-bellied south. They are not, at present, highly endangered, and are not on the CITES Treaty list of endangered species. They generally prefer forested areas and subsist on fruit and seeds. Caiques are generally canopy dwellers, spending most of their time in the tops of trees, foraging and playing. Caique wing feathers produce a distinctive whirring sound in flight. They are highly vocal.

Caiques have a social system which is slightly unusual for parrots. They tend to live in a clan of five or ten related families in a single enormous tree. They form long-lasting relationships, positive and negative, with other clan members. They are extremely competitive for status. They may be less exclusive-pair-bonders than larger parrots. In captivity they may be more likely to have several long-term human "friends" than other parrots, and can be less troublesome in relating to their bonded human's spouse.

Black-headed caiques are also occasionally known as the "seven-color Parrot" because in addition to having red eyes, each caique's plumage includes black, green, yellow, orange, white and blue feathers. They have also been nicknamed in aviculture as "the dancing parrot" for their habit of hopping and "dancing", especially when encouraged by rhythmic clapping. Historically, they were thought to be unsuitable as pets, because wild-caught caiques do not accept captivity well. Current, more sophisticated, socialization practices have shown that this is not the case, although caiques are not "beginner" or "easy" parrots.

Species and subspecies


Caiques are growing in popularity in aviculture, the more commonly found species being the black-headed caique since it was introduced first in captivity, but the white-bellied caique's popularity is growing rapidly as well. Caiques bond well with humans and have a reputation as playful and energetic birds that enjoy playing with toys and lying on their backs, as shown in the photo on the right. They are not particularly good flyers, becoming tired and winded after only a short distance. They also tend to be clumsy and slow in the air as compared to other birds. They often prefer to walk, jump, climb, or hop as a mode of transportation. They are excellent climbers, with very strong feet and legs.

Caiques also exhibit a unique behavior known as 'surfing', where the bird will vigorously rub its face, wings and chest against any nearby soft item (e.g. carpets, towels, cushions, crumpled paper, curtains or human hair) whilst using its beak to pull itself along. During this, the bird will display jerky movements and may roll over several times. This behavior is thought to be a cleaning or bathing motion and occurs regardless of age or sex. In the wild, Caiques use wet leaves instead of carpets or towels.

Compared with the volume of larger parrots, caiques are fairly quiet if trained properly. They have a peculiar call which has been compared to a smoke alarm, used for warning and for making contact with flock members who are out of visual range. This call is high, piercing, and loud enough to alert flock members across the jungle or neighboring apartment dwellers. They are extremely active, prefer lots of physical interaction and playtime, and are prolific chewers. They can be distrustful of or aggressive toward other species of parrot, so prospective buyers should be careful if they have or plan to have other types of parrots. They can also be highly demanding of human attention, and stubborn, not easily distracted from stealing eyeglasses or chewing unapproved items even when tempted with favorite treats and toys.

Caiques are poor imitators of human speech, and their appeal as a pet lies in their playfulness, not their speaking ability. Some individuals can learn to mimic words, and will speak in a soft and gravelly voice. Many caiques easily learn to whistle and some birds enjoy developing a large repertoire which they creatively recombine to come up with new calls and short tunes. They also enjoy learning environmental sounds such as telephone rings and microwave beeps. Caiques are considered "acutely intelligent", particularly in social interactions.

Caiques also possess a particular odor. The smell of a particular individual depends on genetics, emotional state, grooming and diet. Some birds smell more strongly than others, and the scent can be described as a dry, cardboard-like smell. Happy caiques on a healthy diet that includes flax seeds or another source of high-quality seed oil often smell slightly sweet. Prospective buyers should interact with a bird before buying it, as all pet buyers should, to see whether they find the smell unpleasant.

As parrots go, caiques are somewhat "difficult" birds and inexperienced parrot owners should be ready to exercise patience over a long period, or may care to choose another species. Although they can make wonderful, affectionate companion parrots for the right person, due to their extremely engaging and funny personalities, some individuals can be very hot-tempered. Their beaks and claws are needle-sharp, unless maintained with abrasives. They are friendly, in their way, but their mode of making friends can be alarming: They tend to get to know humans by "hanging out" with them for 20 minutes or so. Then they bite, hard enough to draw blood. This exemplifies their competitiveness. Caiques need an environment in which humans exercise firm, consistent, gentle dominance, for them to become good pets. Establishing dominance can take some time. Many caiques never beome "safe" with strangers, and are unsuitable for homes with children. Caiques ordinarily respond well to homes in which some time is devoted to playing with them each day; they are so charming that playing with them is delightful, not onerous. Caiques are very emotionally perceptive, and enjoy sitting quietly, watching and listening to humans interact with each other. The affection and respect of their human friends is very important to them. It has been said that "you love 'em or you hate 'em". They amply reward the painful process of socializing them. Like all pet birds, they need to be kept in a bird-safe environment.


As with most parrots, males and females of either species of caique look exactly the same. The only ways to determine sex are surgical sexing and DNA sexing. DNA sexing is safer for the bird than surgical sexing.