Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l'Ontario

Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Board office location North Bay, Ontario
Board identifier B28100
Communities served Cochrane, Iroquois Falls, Black River-Matheson, Timmins, Kapuskasing, Nipissing[1]
Number of schools 7 elementary schools
4 high schools[3]
2004-2005 budget (CAD $ millions) $20.286[1]
Number of students 1127[1]
Chair of the Board Robert Poirier
Director of Education Roch Gallien[2]
Superintendent Monique Ménard
Elected Trustees Michel Faucon, Viviane Thériault, Jules Duchesne, Henri Ménard, Line Bergeron, Michelle Piette, Roger Brazeau, Nicole Arcand, Jeannette Labrèche , Clara McKinnon, David Bernotas

The Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario manages the French-language schools in the north-east region of Ontario. The area in which this school board operates covers 46,714 km² of Ontario.[2]

The legal name of the school board is Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l'Ontario, but it is also known as:

Formerly known as: Conseil scolaire de district du Nord-Est de l’Ontario

The CSPNE is a member of the Association des conseillers(ères) des écoles publique de l'Ontario (ACÉPO).



Prior to 1 January 1998, the Francophone schools in the north-east region of Ontario were served by 4 different school boards:

Elementary schools

Elementary school Location School identifier
École publique Le Pavillon Héritage North Bay 311502
École élémentaire publique des Navigateurs New Liskeard 260926
École élémentaire publique Étoile du Nord Iroquois Falls 156230
École publique Héritage North Bay 236098
École publique Jeunesse-Active Sturgeon Falls 199737
École publique Le Coeur du Nord Kapuskasing 165182
École publique Lionel-Gauthier Timmins 314242

High schools

High school Location School identifier
École publique l'Odyssée North Bay 909335
École secondaire l'Alliance Iroquois Falls 918296
École secondaire publique Northern Sturgeon Falls 946117
École Publique Renaissance Timmins 922870

Other public French-language school boards in Ontario

There are 3 other public French-language school boards in Ontario:


  1. a b c "Profil du Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario". Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario. Retrieved 2006-06-04. 
  2. a b "Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario". School Board Profiles. Retrieved 2006-06-04. 
  3. a "Liste des écoles". Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est de l’Ontario. Retrieved 2006-06-04. 

See also

External links