
Original author(s) GeoSPin Inc.
Developer(s) GeoSPin Inc.
Stable release Planning / April 14, 2010; 22 months ago (2010-04-14)
Operating system Cross-platform
License Apache License

CLyther is a Python tool similar to Cython. CLyther is a Python language extension that makes writing OpenCL code as easy as Python itself. CLyther currently only supports a subset of the Python language definition but adds many new features to OpenCL. CLyther was inspired by PyCUDA and its views on metaprogramming.

CLyther exposes both the OpenCL C library as well as the OpenCL language to python.




This is an example of a generic OpenCL reduce operator. The arguments include oper which may be a Python function passed to reduce at runtime.

@clyther.const( 'group_size' )
@clyther.bind( 'global_work_size', 1 )
@clyther.bind( 'local_work_size', 'group_size' )
def reduce( output, input, shared, oper, group_size=512 ):
    lid = clrt.get_local_id(0)
    gid = clrt.get_group_id(0)
    gsize = clrt.get_num_groups(0)
    gs2 = group_size * 2
    stride = gs2 * gsize
    shared[lid] = 0.0
    i = gid * gs2 + lid
    shared[lid] = 0
    while i < input.size:
        shared[lid] = oper( shared[lid], input[i] )
        shared[lid] = oper( shared[lid], input[i + group_size] )
        i += stride
        clrt.barrier( clrt.K_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE )
    for cgs in [ 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2 ]:
        if group_size >= cgs:
            if lid < cgs/2:
                shared[lid] = oper( shared[lid], shared[lid + cgs/2] )
            clrt.barrier( clrt.K_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE )
    if lid == 0: 
        output[gid] = shared[0]

This example shows an extensible OpenCL reduction operation written with CLyther.

To use this example you may run something like.

# where `clarray` is a device array.  
def add( a, b ):
    return a+b
output = clyther.buffer( [1], ctype=clarray.ctype )
shared = clyther.shared( ctype=ctypes.c_float )
reduce( output, clarray, shared, add, group_size=128 )
print output.item()

See also

External links