The Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics (Greek: Τμήμα Μηχανικών Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών και Πληροφορικής) (aka CEID from the initial letters of its name) was founded in 1980, and was the first in an Engineering (Polytechnic) School in Greece to offer a 5 year engineering Diploma curriculum in the field of Computer Engineering & Informatics. An active Alumni Association helps connect the Department’s graduates.

The Department’s members actively participate in teaching and research in most areas of Computer Engineering and Computer Science.

The departmental space currently occupies 3300 sq. meters. The teaching and research activities of the department are aided by extensive and up to date computing and networking facilities that span across 11 laboratories (each representing a specific area of research in computer science and engineering) and the Laboratory for Computing (Computer Center) which is the main laboratory for the software education of undergraduate and postgraduate students. The department and the Research Academic Computer Technology Institute have jointly established a common library that contains a substantial wealth of more than 6000 publications, including books, journals, conference proceedings, technical reports, theses (Diploma, M.Sc., Ph.D.) and magazines all related to Computer Science and Engineering. The library offers reading and lending facilities to all members of the Department.

Programs of Studies

The department of Computer Engineering and Informatics also participates in the following Post-graduate Programs of Studies :

